Posts tagged bible preaching
We Can't Wait For Somebody Else

If faith comes by hearing, we must speak the gospel

On Sunday church member Luke Womack preached from Romans 10:14-17. He reminded us that every person is guilty before God. Faith only comes by hearing the word of Christ. Every Christian needs to be busy declaring the gospel to those who don’t believe. From our neighborhoods to the farthest nations, we must preach the gospel.

Listen to the sermon.

This Is Not A Children's Story

Noah and the Flood

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached the opening verses of the story of the great flood from Genesis 6:9-22. He reminded us of this sobering truth: nobody can escape the consequences of their sin unless they get in the boat. The flood reminds us that God sees every sin and injustice, God judges everything sin touches, and God saves those who trust in His mercy.

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Weirdness And Wonder

“The right kind of strength comes from the right kind of weakness.”
-David Powlison

Jeff Schlieder, a member of our sister church in Santa Ana, preached from 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 this past Sunday. He shared that we must embrace the weirdness of the cross to experience the wonder of our salvation. The cross is God’s wisdom though it appears foolish. The cross is God’s strength though it appears weak. The cross isn’t for the somebodies, the influential, or the deserving. It’s for the weak, foolish, and needy.

Listen to the sermon.

True Rest For Tortured Souls

Where is God in my struggle with mental illness?

On Sunday, guest preacher Andy Farmer opened up Psalm 116 to address the topic of mental health. He taught us that mental anguish is a form of suffering we experience. But our struggle does not separate us from God. Our struggle does not define our lives. And our struggle can only be fully remedied by Jesus.

Listen to the sermon.

In The Beginning

God Sets the Stage for His Glory

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached the first verse of the first book in the Bible, Genesis 1:1. He reminded us that the most important thing about creation is that it happened. God is the answer to the quest to explain why there is a universe in the first place. That He created is the very foundation of all knowledge. We know something about everything. What do we know? It’s all for His glory.

Listen to the sermon.

Is Your Life Worth Living?


On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Job 42:7-9 reminding us that every one of our experiences is working for our good, revealing the gospel, and proving God’s glory. Your life is worth living.

Listen to the sermon.

Why Has God Abandoned Me?

When God Breaks Your Heart

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Job 23 explaining that suffering makes God seem absent. When your world turns upside down your heart will break. But God’s heart toward you never changes. And Christ is good at healing all kinds of broken hearts.

Listen to the sermon.

Unapologetically Bible-Centered

When the Bible Speaks, God Speaks

On Sunday, Pastor Dustin preached from 2 Timothy 3:16-4:4 reminding us why we prioritize the preaching of the Bible. It ensures we have genuine encounters with God. It protects us from our own unhealthy passions. It prepares us for our future and final encounter with God. The simple truth is that we prioritize the preaching of God’s Word because we need it.

Listen to the sermon.