Posts in Sermon
The Early Church

Look at the church and see the Spirit

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Acts 2:42-47. He reminded us that this passage is about the Holy Spirit more than the church. We don’t need to compare our church to the Christians in this passage. This is a unique moment where the Spirit of God’s activity is highlighted in the early church. For us, it’s a pointed reminder to look at our church and see the work of the Holy Spirit among us.

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Value Your Unity

Created by the Spirit
Maintained by Us

On Sunday guest preacher Bill Kittrell from Cornerstone Church of Knoxville, TN preached from Romans 12:1-5 & 13:8-14. He reminded us that the time to talk about unity is when it’s not a problem. We thank God for our unity. But we soberly remember that can be fragile. A church is difficult to build, but easy to destroy. May we labor to build and protect the precious unity that Christ has given us.

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Sermon, LatestChurch Staff
The Birth of the Church

The Sending of the Spirit

On Easter Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Acts 2:1-41. The sound of a mighty rushing wind appears suddenly. Tongues of fire hover over the heads of the disciples. Men speak in languages they’d never been taught. What does this mean? And what shall we do in response? Turn from your sins and embrace the crucified and risen Lord. Only then can we truly understand what this all means.

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Latest, SermonChurch Staff
Are You Ready?

We Could Meet Jesus Anytime

On Sunday we had the privilege of hearing guest preacher Dave Taylor, from our sister church in Sydney, Australia, preach from Luke 12:35-48. He asked us to consider if we were ready to meet Jesus. The Lord told us to be ready at all times. He will return when we least expect it. And when He comes, He wants to find faithful servants. The reward for faithfulness is wonderful. The punishment for unfaithfulness is terrible. Let’s make ourselves ready and urge others to do the same.

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Sermon, LatestChurch Staff
Waiting For God Is Good For Us

The Space Between Promise and Fulfillment

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Acts 1:12-26. He reminded us that God often calls us to wait, just as He did to the disciples in Acts. And what we do while we wait reveals a lot about us. While we wait, we should major on the majors by giving ourselves to fellowship, prayer, and Scripture. One day God will reveal that He was doing something much bigger through our lives than we ever imagined. On that day, we’ll see clearly that our waiting was well worth it.

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SermonChurch Staff
The Goodness Of The Ascension

It’s Worth Celebrating

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Acts 1:6-11. It’s Jesus’ final moments and last words for His disciples before He takes His seat at the Father’s right hand. He promises that He will send His Spirit to empower them to be His witnesses. Then He ascends to heaven. Why is the ascension so important for us? The ascension is His coronation and it clears a path for the Holy Spirit.

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SermonChurch Staff
The Acts Of Jesus

That You May Be Certain

On Sunday Pastor Eric begin our series in the book of Acts by preaching from Acts 1:1-5. He showed us that this book was written to give Christians certainty about the things we’ve been taught. Jesus died, Jesus rose, Jesus reigns, and Jesus will return. Until then, He fills us with His Spirit and sends us to every corner of the globe to spread the gospel and make disciples. These things are true.

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SermonChurch Staff
On The Cross

Jesus’ Great Accomplishments

On Sunday Pastor Mike preached from Galatians 3:13. He led us through seven accomplishments that Jesus Christ achieved on the cross. The Lamb of God bore our sins, took our punishment, turned away God’s wrath, upheld God’s righteousness, purchased our redemption, reconciled us to God, and prepared us to live with God forever. All of the benefits we enjoy as Christians came through the substitutionary sacrifice of our Savior. May we never lose the wonder of the cross.

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SermonChurch Staff