Posts tagged reformed baptist church
Street Fair Is Here

A Block Party With Half a Million People

The 47th annual Orange International Street Fair kicks off tonight at 5:00pm.

Check out this breakdown of the Street Fair from IHeartOldTowneOrange. And for an incredible perspective on this massive event, watch this time lapse video from last year. If you pay close attention around the 4:25 mark, you may even see some familiar people.

Don’t Skip Out

We know a huge crowd on a hot weekend is not appealing to everyone. But we should see this as an opportunity to be a light to our city. Be here. It speaks volumes about the love of God for our neighbors.

Plan to arrive early on Sunday because parking will be tight. You’ll likely be walking a bit further than usual. Show up at 9:30am for Sunday School and you'll have no problem.

Street Fair 2019 Is On Its Way

A Block Party With Tens of Thousands of People

In just a few weekends Old Towne Orange will be overrun with visitors. And we love it. Live music, food, and a whole street just for the kids.

Make the Street Fair part of your plans for Labor Day weekend

You'll need to arrive early that Sunday because parking will be tight. You may be walking a bit further than usual. Show up at 9:30am for Sunday School and you'll have no problem.

Get Ready For Street Fair 2019

A Block Party With Tens of Thousands of People

In just a few weekends Old Towne Orange will be overrun with visitors. And we love it. Live music, food, and a whole street just for the kids.

Make the Street Fair part of your plans for Labor Day weekend

You'll need to arrive early that Sunday because parking will be tight. Show up at 9:30am for Sunday School and you'll have no problem.

Thanks For Loving The Garden

Beautiful Garden + Our Children = One Rule

We want to be good stewards of the Woman's Club garden. They have made improvements and we keep having more children (hooray!).

We have one simple rule:

Stay On The Bricks

Please ensure all children stay on the bricks at all times. They are free to run and play in the garden, just not in the planters and behind the building.

Thanks for helping us be the best tenants ever for the Woman's Club.

Weirdness And Wonder

“The right kind of strength comes from the right kind of weakness.”
-David Powlison

Jeff Schlieder, a member of our sister church in Santa Ana, preached from 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 this past Sunday. He shared that we must embrace the weirdness of the cross to experience the wonder of our salvation. The cross is God’s wisdom though it appears foolish. The cross is God’s strength though it appears weak. The cross isn’t for the somebodies, the influential, or the deserving. It’s for the weak, foolish, and needy.

Listen to the sermon.

Amazing Grace On A Dark Day

We’ve been asking the wrong question

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 3:8-24. Adam and Eve have sinned by eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Now the Lord confronts them. Most of us wonder why God would offer such a severe penalty for what seems to be such a petty crime. But that’s the wrong question. The right question is: why wasn’t the penalty more severe? Even at the very beginning, God responds to sin with amazing grace.

Listen to the sermon.

God Takes His Bow

God Finished Something

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 2:1-3, the seventh day of creation. After completing all His creative work God rested. Not because He was tired, but because He was done. He rests from His work of creation but not from His work of redemption. We enter that rest now by believing in God’s only begotten Son.

Listen to the sermon.

In The Beginning

God Sets the Stage for His Glory

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached the first verse of the first book in the Bible, Genesis 1:1. He reminded us that the most important thing about creation is that it happened. God is the answer to the quest to explain why there is a universe in the first place. That He created is the very foundation of all knowledge. We know something about everything. What do we know? It’s all for His glory.

Listen to the sermon.