Posts tagged reformed baptist orange
Street Fair Is Here

A Block Party With Half a Million People

The 47th annual Orange International Street Fair kicks off tonight at 5:00pm.

Check out this breakdown of the Street Fair from IHeartOldTowneOrange. And for an incredible perspective on this massive event, watch this time lapse video from last year. If you pay close attention around the 4:25 mark, you may even see some familiar people.

Don’t Skip Out

We know a huge crowd on a hot weekend is not appealing to everyone. But we should see this as an opportunity to be a light to our city. Be here. It speaks volumes about the love of God for our neighbors.

Plan to arrive early on Sunday because parking will be tight. You’ll likely be walking a bit further than usual. Show up at 9:30am for Sunday School and you'll have no problem.

Street Fair 2019 Is On Its Way

A Block Party With Tens of Thousands of People

In just a few weekends Old Towne Orange will be overrun with visitors. And we love it. Live music, food, and a whole street just for the kids.

Make the Street Fair part of your plans for Labor Day weekend

You'll need to arrive early that Sunday because parking will be tight. You may be walking a bit further than usual. Show up at 9:30am for Sunday School and you'll have no problem.

Get Ready For Street Fair 2019

A Block Party With Tens of Thousands of People

In just a few weekends Old Towne Orange will be overrun with visitors. And we love it. Live music, food, and a whole street just for the kids.

Make the Street Fair part of your plans for Labor Day weekend

You'll need to arrive early that Sunday because parking will be tight. Show up at 9:30am for Sunday School and you'll have no problem.

Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

How comfortable are you being different?

On Sunday Pastor Dustin continued the story of Noah and the ark preaching from Genesis 7:1-10. Noah believed things nobody believed, so he did things nobody would do. That is true for us as well. Our faith leads us to do things that the world around us views as bizarre. But it’s all worth it in the end.

Listen to the sermon.

This Is Not A Children's Story

Noah and the Flood

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached the opening verses of the story of the great flood from Genesis 6:9-22. He reminded us of this sobering truth: nobody can escape the consequences of their sin unless they get in the boat. The flood reminds us that God sees every sin and injustice, God judges everything sin touches, and God saves those who trust in His mercy.

Listen to the sermon.

Live Free

For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free

On Sunday church member Jason Roenicke preached his first sermon at Sovereign Grace Church. He shared a message from Galatians 5:1-6 reminding us that we don’t obey God to earn His favor; we obey Him because we already have it. The gospel of justification by faith alone means that the verdict is already in, we are fully pardoned and fully accepted by God. We are free to live and serve God knowing that He is for us.

Listen to the sermon.

An Ordinary Church

God does extraordinary things in ordinary churches.

In part 3 of our 4-part sermon series on the culture of our church, Pastor Dustin preached from Acts 2:42-47. He reminded us that there is no shame being ordinary Christians in an ordinary church. Our ordinary, day-in, day-out efforts are the very stage on which God does His extraordinary work.

Listen to the sermon.

A Generous Church

Jesus is the most generous man who ever lived.

On Sunday, Pastor Eric continued our 4-week series on the culture of our church preaching from Luke 19:1-10. He took us to the story of Zacchaeus to display the transforming power of Jesus. He changes us from greedy to giving. We have everything we need. We spend our lives gladly because we have nothing to lose.

Listen to the sermon.