Posts tagged neighborhood
Neighboring At House Of Hope

Being Good Neighbors For Jesus

On 5th Wednesdays throughout the year, the Pickard small group leads a team to serve at House of Hope. They serve a meal and minister to the women and children who live there.

This coming Wednesday, May 29th, we’re extending an invitation for you to join them. Take advantage of this opportunity to be a blessing to neighbors in need.

If you’re interested, contact Jon and he will get you the details.

Is Your Life Worth Living?


On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Job 42:7-9 reminding us that every one of our experiences is working for our good, revealing the gospel, and proving God’s glory. Your life is worth living.

Listen to the sermon.

Neighboring At House Of Hope

Being Good Neighbors For Jesus

On 5th Wednesdays throughout the year, the Pickard small group leads a team to serve at House of Hope. They serve a meal and spend time getting to know the women and children who live there.

A group was there this week and the residents provided anonymous prayer requests. Would you join us in praying for them?

  • "Please say a prayer for my sister. She is currently in remission from leukemia but still has to undergo chemo."

  • "God has blessed me in every way possible. My son and I are grateful for all we have gained. Prayer: patience, growth, our own place, health, keep us safe."

  • "I need prayer for God's will in returning back to school on 9/6. Need county approval before then. I also need prayer for my health. I am battling thyroid and ovarian cancer. Currently undergoing chemo for ovarian. Very strong treatment. And for my children to be comforted during this time. Thank you."

  • "Pray for my son in the Marines in Japan. For my 10-month old son, and for me to get a good job and apartment soon. Thanks."

  • Please pray for my friend to get through chemo. Please pray for me to gain employment. For my daughter to keep her safe and enjoy kindergarten. Thank you."

Thanks for praying.

If you would like to serve at House of Hope, contact Jon and he will invite you to the next one.

Live Like Your Neighbors Are Watching


Last Sunday we gathered for our regular Picnic in the Plaza. We live our lives for our Savior and for the people He has called us to reach. Eating lunch together in plain sight is one way we let our neighbors know we are here for them.

Plus, we'll take any excuse to be together. We're a church full of friends.

Starting in September, Picnics in the Plaza will be happening every month. Make sure you sync up with our calendar to know when they're coming.

Thanks for showing your neighbors what community in Christ looks like.

Take me to the calendar sync instructions.