Posts tagged 92866
Honor Everyone

A Counterintuitive & Countercultural Command

On Sunday Pastor Mike preached from 1 Peter 2:13-25. Jesus, who suffered silently at the hands of unjust authorities, calls His followers to do the same. We are to honor even those who act dishonorably. Politicians. Bosses. We submit to our great Overseer by submitting to those he has placed in authority over us.

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True Rest For Tortured Souls

Where is God in my struggle with mental illness?

On Sunday, guest preacher Andy Farmer opened up Psalm 116 to address the topic of mental health. He taught us that mental anguish is a form of suffering we experience. But our struggle does not separate us from God. Our struggle does not define our lives. And our struggle can only be fully remedied by Jesus.

Listen to the sermon.

A Neighborly Church

We’re at our best when we’re loving our neighbors.

On Sunday Pastor Eric finished a 4-week sermon series on our church culture preaching from Matthew 22:34-40. Jesus teaches that loving God isn’t enough. The one who loves God can’t help but love others. They go together. We can’t isolate. We must love our neighbors, even the unlovely ones.

Listen to the sermon.