Posts tagged reformed church orange
Is God Really Among Us?

Marks of a Genuine Encounter with God

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Isaiah 6:1-8. Our greatest need when we gather as a church is to have genuine encounters with God. How do we know when this happens? We walk away amazed, humbled, forgiven, and sent.

Listen to the sermon.

Food And Fun At Reformapalooza

Reformapalooza is coming on 10/27/2019. And no Reformation party can be a Reformation party without plenty of food and plenty of fun.

We want your kids to love the Reformation as much as we do.

We’ve got our best minds working on a play area for the little ones. Reformer bean bag toss, pin the 95 theses on the door, and other awesome Reformation-themed games are in the works. We plan to keep your kids entertained long enough so you can enjoy your fill of bratwurst.

Members, we need you to bring stuff.

We’ll be in the garden at the Woman’s Club right after our service. Members, plan to bring a salad. If you’d like to bring another food item, let us know.

This is going to be so much fun.

In Search Of The Good Life

Pick Your Path

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Psalm 1. He reminded us that we work tirelessly to find and experience the good life. We’ll try anything that promises to give it to us. But the only path that takes us there is the path paved by the Giver of Life.

Listen to the sermon.

Step Out Into A New World

Never lose the wonder of your new life in Christ

On Sunday Pastor Mike preached from Genesis 8:1-19. Noah and his family leave the ark and set foot on a renewed world. This corresponds to the life of every Christian. Those who hide themselves in Christ walk in newness of life now and will one day inhabit a completely renewed cosmos.

Listen to the sermon.

The First Recorded Murder

But it isn’t about the murder.

On Easter Sunday, Pastor Eric preached the familiar story of Cain and Abel from Genesis 4:1-16. This story is not about not being like Cain. It’s not about being like Abel. It’s about trusting in the true and better Abel, who’s blood speaks a better word — a word of justice, of pardon, and of grace. Abel was martyred, but he will rise again. And if we trust in Jesus, so will we.

Listen to the sermon.

You Have Everything You Need

Be recklessly preoccupied with the presence of God.

On Sunday, our intern Dylan Sohie preached from Psalm 84. He reminded us that to be with God is to have everything we need. All who trust in the Lord find themselves safe, strong, and satisfied. There’s no need to be shaken by what we lack, for we have everything in Christ.

Listen to the sermon.

Amazing Grace On A Dark Day

We’ve been asking the wrong question

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 3:8-24. Adam and Eve have sinned by eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Now the Lord confronts them. Most of us wonder why God would offer such a severe penalty for what seems to be such a petty crime. But that’s the wrong question. The right question is: why wasn’t the penalty more severe? Even at the very beginning, God responds to sin with amazing grace.

Listen to the sermon.

When The Universe Began To Unravel

The Beginning Of All Our Troubles

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 3:1-7, the fall of mankind. He reminded us that every sin begins with a question about God, every sin is an act of rebellion, and every sin ends in disgrace. The good news is that God has responded to our rebellion with grace.

Listen to the sermon.