Posts tagged gospel orange ca
Weirdness And Wonder

“The right kind of strength comes from the right kind of weakness.”
-David Powlison

Jeff Schlieder, a member of our sister church in Santa Ana, preached from 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 this past Sunday. He shared that we must embrace the weirdness of the cross to experience the wonder of our salvation. The cross is God’s wisdom though it appears foolish. The cross is God’s strength though it appears weak. The cross isn’t for the somebodies, the influential, or the deserving. It’s for the weak, foolish, and needy.

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Welcome Those Who Disagree With You


On Sunday, Pastor Eric preached from Romans 14:1-12. It's inevitable that we will disagree with other Christians over disputable matters. We each have our list. Part of our service to one another, for the sake of unity, is to keep our opinions to ourselves. We embrace and welcome one another completely because God has welcomed all of us. We think little of our opinions and marvel at the grace of God in uniting us.

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The One Debt You Cannot Repay

We Can Never Love Enough

On Sunday Pastor Eric continued our series in Romans preaching Romans 13:8-14. He reminded us that the debt of love we owe can never be satisfied. We are never done loving each other because Jesus is never done loving us. We continue to pour our lives out for others because Jesus' love is inexhaustible. 

Listen to the sermon.

Do You Want To Be Strong?

Faith Transforms Adversity Into Strength

On Sunday Pastor Dustin finished our series in Habakkuk preaching chapter 3. He reminded us of a hard truth. Tragedy and sorrow are part of God's plan for us. They make us vulnerable. But they can also be God's way of making us strong. If we trust God's character, remember His power, wait for His intervention, and celebrate present grace then our sorrows become strength. 

Listen to the sermon.

When We Don't Like God's Methods

The Second Complaint

On Sunday, church member Grant Sigafoos continued our 3-week series in Habakkuk preaching from Habakkuk 1:12-2:20. He reminded us that God's ways often leave us scratching our heads. Or worse, His ways upset us. He uses evil people for good purposes. He authorizes tragedy instead of preventing it. In these moments, our great act of faith is simply to pour out our complaints to God and then wait for Him to respond.

Listen to the sermon.

Persist In Prayer In Perplexing Times


On Sunday, Pastor Mike kicked off a 3-week series on the minor prophet Habakkuk preaching verse 1-11. Habakkuk saw things falling apart around him and complained to God about His indifference. We may struggle with the same thing at times. And yet God is always working, even when we can't see it and even when we don't like what He is doing. He is using everything, even the worst things, for His good purposes.

Listen to the sermon.

From Dismay To Praise


How do you respond when life feels upside down? Society is broken. Family is at odds. Work is overwhelming. Even your own heart feels sick.


That is the message of Habakkuk. This Sunday we begin a 3-week break from our study in Romans to look at this minor prophet and learn how to wrestle with God like he did.

Get acquainted with the message of the book by reading it and watching the video above.