Posts tagged reformed orange
The Final Verses Of 1 Peter

4 Parting Words

On Sunday Pastor Eric finished our series in 1 Peter by preaching from 1 Peter 5:6-14. This letter has reminded us not to be surprised by suffering. We need to remember that our lives are not out of control, God is guarding us, we are not alone, and this will end well.

Listen to the sermon.

When The Universe Began To Unravel

The Beginning Of All Our Troubles

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 3:1-7, the fall of mankind. He reminded us that every sin begins with a question about God, every sin is an act of rebellion, and every sin ends in disgrace. The good news is that God has responded to our rebellion with grace.

Listen to the sermon.

In The Beginning

God Sets the Stage for His Glory

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached the first verse of the first book in the Bible, Genesis 1:1. He reminded us that the most important thing about creation is that it happened. God is the answer to the quest to explain why there is a universe in the first place. That He created is the very foundation of all knowledge. We know something about everything. What do we know? It’s all for His glory.

Listen to the sermon.