Posts tagged old towne orange church
For God's Glory And Our Joy

We Are United By Jesus' Saving Work

The death of Jesus means life for us, a life that we now live together. We gather in small groups in our neighborhoods to sing, pray, share, and encourage. We do this to become like the Savior who loves us.

These Are Not Normal Meetings

God is at work. He is drawing us together. His Spirit is transforming us and empowering us to minister to one another. Though what we do appears natural, it is decidedly supernatural.

Join In

If you've not yet found a small group, get in touch with us. We want to help you experience and participate in the every-member ministry of Sovereign Grace Church. It's all for God’s glory and our joy.


The First "To Do" Of Christianity

Change Your Mind

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 1 Peter 1:13-21. We are to set our hope fully on the grace that will come to us at the 2nd coming of Christ. Hope grows in our hearts when we focus our minds on that day. It grows our reverence for the Lord which manifests in changed lives.

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Our Privileged Position

A Good Time To Be Alive

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from 1 Peter 1:10-12. We are often tempted to wish for a different life. But we occupy a privileged position in God’s plan of salvation. We know what prophets longed to know. We experience what angels wish they could experience. We enjoy a clear view of the glorious grace of God displayed through the saving work of His Son.

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The First Recorded Murder

But it isn’t about the murder.

On Easter Sunday, Pastor Eric preached the familiar story of Cain and Abel from Genesis 4:1-16. This story is not about not being like Cain. It’s not about being like Abel. It’s about trusting in the true and better Abel, who’s blood speaks a better word — a word of justice, of pardon, and of grace. Abel was martyred, but he will rise again. And if we trust in Jesus, so will we.

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You Have Everything You Need

Be recklessly preoccupied with the presence of God.

On Sunday, our intern Dylan Sohie preached from Psalm 84. He reminded us that to be with God is to have everything we need. All who trust in the Lord find themselves safe, strong, and satisfied. There’s no need to be shaken by what we lack, for we have everything in Christ.

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God Takes His Bow

God Finished Something

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 2:1-3, the seventh day of creation. After completing all His creative work God rested. Not because He was tired, but because He was done. He rests from His work of creation but not from His work of redemption. We enter that rest now by believing in God’s only begotten Son.

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The Creation Of Everything

Everything has its significance in God.

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 1:2-31. What do we believe about the genesis of the cosmos? Were the days of creation literal or metaphorical? Is the earth billions or thousands of years old? There’s room in our hearts and on our bookshelves for different answers to these questions. Here’s what we must believe: God created all of it from nothing, He delights in everything, and He invests His very likeness into mankind.

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A Generous Church

Jesus is the most generous man who ever lived.

On Sunday, Pastor Eric continued our 4-week series on the culture of our church preaching from Luke 19:1-10. He took us to the story of Zacchaeus to display the transforming power of Jesus. He changes us from greedy to giving. We have everything we need. We spend our lives gladly because we have nothing to lose.

Listen to the sermon.