Posts tagged romans
We Can't Wait For Somebody Else

If faith comes by hearing, we must speak the gospel

On Sunday church member Luke Womack preached from Romans 10:14-17. He reminded us that every person is guilty before God. Faith only comes by hearing the word of Christ. Every Christian needs to be busy declaring the gospel to those who don’t believe. From our neighborhoods to the farthest nations, we must preach the gospel.

Listen to the sermon.

What Happens After Romans?

The Letter Is Done. What Now?

We finished our sermons in Romans this past Sunday. But we know you want more. Come to Sunday School this week to hear our answer to the question: What happened after Paul’s letter?

Did Paul ever make it to Rome? He said he wanted to (Rom. 1:11).
Did the divisions between Jews and Gentiles ever get mended?
Weren’t Christians fed to lions in the Coliseum?
What happened to the church during and after the great fire?

Join us in the Woman’s Club Garden this Sunday morning at 9:30am as we tackle these questions.

What Happens After Romans?

The Letter Is Done. What Now?

We finished our sermons in Romans this past Sunday. But we know you want more. Come to Sunday School this week to hear our answer to the question: What happened after Paul’s letter?

Did Paul ever make it to Rome? He said he wanted to (Rom. 1:11).
Did the divisions between Jews and Gentiles ever get mended?
How did the church manage persecution?
Weren’t Christians fed to lions in the Coliseum?
What happened to the church during and after the great fire?

Join us in the Woman’s Club Garden this Sunday morning at 9:30am as we tackle these questions.

The End Of Everything


On Sunday Pastor Eric finished off the book of Romans preaching the doxology at the very end, Romans 16:25-27. He reminded us that Romans is designed to turn us into worshipers. Not scholars. Not intellectuals. Not good citizens. But worshipers. Our thoughts about God must turn into heartfelt love and adoration of God. That’s what the book of Romans has done for us.

Listen to the sermon.

"All Israel Will Be Saved"

What Does That Mean?

In Sunday School this week we’ll be wrestling with Paul’s statement in Romans 11:26 that “all Israel” will be saved. Come be a part of the discussion. Learn and grow.

Woman’s Club Garden

Let's End Romans The Right Way

17 Months
47 Sermons
Over 30 Hours of Preaching

This Sunday is our last sermon in the book of Romans. Thank you for leaning in and listening with ears of faith. We have been challenged. We have been changed. God has done it through His Word.

Romans Doesn’t Have To End Here

We want to draw out our time in Romans a little bit more, so we are offering two special studies. Both of them will happen at Sunday School this Sunday (9/16) and next Sunday (9/23). Pastor Mike is teaching them.

He is tackling two big questions:

  • What did Paul mean when he wrote “all Israel will be saved” in Romans 11:26?

  • What happened to the Roman church after Paul’s letter?

Join us this Sunday at 9:30am in the Woman’s Club Gardens

Our Diversity Is No Threat To Our Unity

ROMANS 15:1-13

This past Sunday Pastor Dustin reminded us that God is preserving our diversity as we reach maturity. We are not all the same, and that is a good thing, even though it can create tension. God has provided everything we need to persevere as a community comprised of very different people.

Listen to the sermon.

Love When It Hurts

Love The Enemy Next Door

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Romans 12:14-21. God tells us to love our neighbors and our enemies because oftentimes they are the same. The real test of love is whether or not we can love like Jesus, the One who laid down His life for His enemies. We are surrounded by people who don't love us. We do good to them with the hope that God may turn them into friends.

Listen to the sermon.