Posts tagged reformed theology
The Final Verses Of 1 Peter

4 Parting Words

On Sunday Pastor Eric finished our series in 1 Peter by preaching from 1 Peter 5:6-14. This letter has reminded us not to be surprised by suffering. We need to remember that our lives are not out of control, God is guarding us, we are not alone, and this will end well.

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Married Christian Women

Fearless and Gentle

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 1 Peter 3:1-6. God calls wives to “the beautiful faith of fearless submission” as one author describes it. This is countercultural. It honors women. Christian women draw strength and dignity from the affirmation of God. They are precious to Him.

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The First "To Do" Of Christianity

Change Your Mind

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 1 Peter 1:13-21. We are to set our hope fully on the grace that will come to us at the 2nd coming of Christ. Hope grows in our hearts when we focus our minds on that day. It grows our reverence for the Lord which manifests in changed lives.

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Our Privileged Position

A Good Time To Be Alive

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from 1 Peter 1:10-12. We are often tempted to wish for a different life. But we occupy a privileged position in God’s plan of salvation. We know what prophets longed to know. We experience what angels wish they could experience. We enjoy a clear view of the glorious grace of God displayed through the saving work of His Son.

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This Is Not A Children's Story

Noah and the Flood

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached the opening verses of the story of the great flood from Genesis 6:9-22. He reminded us of this sobering truth: nobody can escape the consequences of their sin unless they get in the boat. The flood reminds us that God sees every sin and injustice, God judges everything sin touches, and God saves those who trust in His mercy.

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Live Free

For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free

On Sunday church member Jason Roenicke preached his first sermon at Sovereign Grace Church. He shared a message from Galatians 5:1-6 reminding us that we don’t obey God to earn His favor; we obey Him because we already have it. The gospel of justification by faith alone means that the verdict is already in, we are fully pardoned and fully accepted by God. We are free to live and serve God knowing that He is for us.

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You Have Everything You Need

Be recklessly preoccupied with the presence of God.

On Sunday, our intern Dylan Sohie preached from Psalm 84. He reminded us that to be with God is to have everything we need. All who trust in the Lord find themselves safe, strong, and satisfied. There’s no need to be shaken by what we lack, for we have everything in Christ.

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When The Universe Began To Unravel

The Beginning Of All Our Troubles

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 3:1-7, the fall of mankind. He reminded us that every sin begins with a question about God, every sin is an act of rebellion, and every sin ends in disgrace. The good news is that God has responded to our rebellion with grace.

Listen to the sermon.