Posts tagged baptist church
When Suffering Is Necessary

The Most Counterintuitive Truth in the World:
We Need to Suffer

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached 1 Peter 1:6-9. We assume that the world would be better without suffering. But Peter inserts a word we wouldn’t expect when thinking about suffering: necessary. Sometimes it’s necessary for us to suffer. Why? So that our faith can be tested. Why does our faith need to be tested? So that we can celebrate the enduring faith God has given us.

Listen to the sermon.

In Search Of The Good Life

Pick Your Path

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Psalm 1. He reminded us that we work tirelessly to find and experience the good life. We’ll try anything that promises to give it to us. But the only path that takes us there is the path paved by the Giver of Life.

Listen to the sermon.

The First Section Of Genesis Is Finished

Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 11:10-32 this past Sunday finishing up the first major section of the book. We now take a detour to the book of 1 Peter. Eric summed up this section by reminding us that the pace of our lives is slow, the details of our lives are forgotten, and nobody is perfect. But God is faithfully bringing His plans to pass. He’s using our lives. He’s regenerating the entire cosmos for His glory and our good.

Listen to the sermon.

Three More Years In The Woman's Club

Last week we asked you to pray for our lease negotiations with the Woman’s Club. And on Sunday we announced that God has answered our prayers. The property managers have given us another three year agreement.

For now, we’re here.

We’re grateful to God for providing the historic Woman’s Club of Orange as our place to gather every Sunday. Let’s celebrate His generosity to us.

Pray For The Woman's Club Lease Negotiations

Every church needs a place to meet

For 7+ years our place has been the Woman’s Club of Orange. This building represents God’s provision to us. This building speaks to the history and community of our city. Though not without its quirks, we love meeting here.

Pray for our lease negotations

This week, we are working to renew our lease with the Woman’s Club. Our hope is to stay here and there’s no reason to think we won’t.

Pray that God would give us favor.

Pray for the women of the Woman’s Club who steward this building for the good of our city.

Pray for the property manager and his staff who take care of this beautiful, historic building.

Trembling Joy

What does it feel like to fear a God who is for you?

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 8:20-9:17. Just like Noah, we are in the center of God’s awesome power yet completely safe. We fear God and we love Him. We tremble before Him and we feel His tender care.

Listen to the sermon.

Step Out Into A New World

Never lose the wonder of your new life in Christ

On Sunday Pastor Mike preached from Genesis 8:1-19. Noah and his family leave the ark and set foot on a renewed world. This corresponds to the life of every Christian. Those who hide themselves in Christ walk in newness of life now and will one day inhabit a completely renewed cosmos.

Listen to the sermon.