Posts tagged orange circle
Is God Really Among Us?

Marks of a Genuine Encounter with God

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Isaiah 6:1-8. Our greatest need when we gather as a church is to have genuine encounters with God. How do we know when this happens? We walk away amazed, humbled, forgiven, and sent.

Listen to the sermon.

Trembling Joy

What does it feel like to fear a God who is for you?

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 8:20-9:17. Just like Noah, we are in the center of God’s awesome power yet completely safe. We fear God and we love Him. We tremble before Him and we feel His tender care.

Listen to the sermon.

For The Dreamers

May we be gospel optimists

On Sunday guest preacher Ricky Alcantar, from our sister church in El Paso, preached from Isaiah 2:1-5. He encouraged us to let our dreams be God-sized: peace with all men, joyful unity, and lasting justice. We long for the day Jesus will make these dreams a reality. Until then, we do all we can to live in the good of the gospel today.

Listen to the sermon.

Neighboring At House Of Hope

Being Good Neighbors For Jesus

On 5th Wednesdays throughout the year, the Pickard small group leads a team to serve at House of Hope. They serve a meal and minister to the women and children who live there.

This coming Wednesday, May 29th, we’re extending an invitation for you to join them. Take advantage of this opportunity to be a blessing to neighbors in need.

If you’re interested, contact Jon and he will get you the details.

God Takes His Bow

God Finished Something

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 2:1-3, the seventh day of creation. After completing all His creative work God rested. Not because He was tired, but because He was done. He rests from His work of creation but not from His work of redemption. We enter that rest now by believing in God’s only begotten Son.

Listen to the sermon.

It Has Arrived

A Huge Block Party in Old Towne Orange

It kicked off an hour ago. The Orange International Street Fair has begun. Three days with 500,000 people in our neighborhood enjoying food, drink, and live music.

Head to the fair and take the opportunity to engage your neighbors. Walk away from this weekend knowing the name and the story of at least one new neighbor.

Get to Church Early

You'll need to arrive early on Sunday because parking will be tight. Show up at 9:30am for Sunday School and you'll have no problem.

Neighboring At House Of Hope

Being Good Neighbors For Jesus

On 5th Wednesdays throughout the year, the Pickard small group leads a team to serve at House of Hope. They serve a meal and spend time getting to know the women and children who live there.

A group was there this week and the residents provided anonymous prayer requests. Would you join us in praying for them?

  • "Please say a prayer for my sister. She is currently in remission from leukemia but still has to undergo chemo."

  • "God has blessed me in every way possible. My son and I are grateful for all we have gained. Prayer: patience, growth, our own place, health, keep us safe."

  • "I need prayer for God's will in returning back to school on 9/6. Need county approval before then. I also need prayer for my health. I am battling thyroid and ovarian cancer. Currently undergoing chemo for ovarian. Very strong treatment. And for my children to be comforted during this time. Thank you."

  • "Pray for my son in the Marines in Japan. For my 10-month old son, and for me to get a good job and apartment soon. Thanks."

  • Please pray for my friend to get through chemo. Please pray for me to gain employment. For my daughter to keep her safe and enjoy kindergarten. Thank you."

Thanks for praying.

If you would like to serve at House of Hope, contact Jon and he will invite you to the next one.

We Are Free To Love Others More Than Ourselves

For God's Sake

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Romans 14:13-23. He reminded us that Jesus has made us free. We are free to do all kinds of things that bring us joy and please Him. But our freedoms can hurt our brothers and sisters. When they do, we are free to love them by restricting ourselves. We no longer ask, "What can I get away with?" We ask, "How can I glorify God while doing good to those for whom Christ died?"

Listen to the sermon.