Posts tagged old town
The First "To Do" Of Christianity

Change Your Mind

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 1 Peter 1:13-21. We are to set our hope fully on the grace that will come to us at the 2nd coming of Christ. Hope grows in our hearts when we focus our minds on that day. It grows our reverence for the Lord which manifests in changed lives.

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Step Out Into A New World

Never lose the wonder of your new life in Christ

On Sunday Pastor Mike preached from Genesis 8:1-19. Noah and his family leave the ark and set foot on a renewed world. This corresponds to the life of every Christian. Those who hide themselves in Christ walk in newness of life now and will one day inhabit a completely renewed cosmos.

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For The Dreamers

May we be gospel optimists

On Sunday guest preacher Ricky Alcantar, from our sister church in El Paso, preached from Isaiah 2:1-5. He encouraged us to let our dreams be God-sized: peace with all men, joyful unity, and lasting justice. We long for the day Jesus will make these dreams a reality. Until then, we do all we can to live in the good of the gospel today.

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Don't Get Distracted

It’s too easy to get sidetracked

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 6:1-8. He pointed out that there are many details in this book that threaten to derail our focus (e.g. the Nephilim and sons of God from our text). But we need to keep our eyes on the main storyline. Genesis tells of a God with an unwavering commitment to bring Himself glory by blessing His people, even when they get way off track. That’s our story too.

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The First Recorded Murder

But it isn’t about the murder.

On Easter Sunday, Pastor Eric preached the familiar story of Cain and Abel from Genesis 4:1-16. This story is not about not being like Cain. It’s not about being like Abel. It’s about trusting in the true and better Abel, who’s blood speaks a better word — a word of justice, of pardon, and of grace. Abel was martyred, but he will rise again. And if we trust in Jesus, so will we.

Listen to the sermon.

What Does It Mean To Be Human?

We need to recover the glory of humanity.

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached the creation of Eve from Genesis 2:18-25. He reminded us that the glory of humanity is that we were made in God’s image, male and female, for His glory. We are the same, yet different. The union of a man and a woman in marriage beautifully displays both our sameness and our difference. And marriage points to something beyond marriage, something you don’t need to be married to experience: the love of Jesus for His bride, the church.

Listen to the sermon.