Posts tagged church in orange ca
For God's Glory And Our Joy

We Are United By Jesus' Saving Work

The death of Jesus means life for us, a life that we now live together. We gather in small groups in our neighborhoods to sing, pray, share, and encourage. We do this to become like the Savior who loves us.

These Are Not Normal Meetings

God is at work. He is drawing us together. His Spirit is transforming us and empowering us to minister to one another. Though what we do appears natural, it is decidedly supernatural.

Join In

If you've not yet found a small group, get in touch with us. We want to help you experience and participate in the every-member ministry of Sovereign Grace Church. It's all for God’s glory and our joy.


Neighboring At House Of Hope

Being Good Neighbors For Jesus

On 5th Wednesdays throughout the year, the Pickard small group leads a team to serve at House of Hope. They serve a meal and minister to the women and children who live there.

This coming Wednesday, May 29th, we’re extending an invitation for you to join them. Take advantage of this opportunity to be a blessing to neighbors in need.

If you’re interested, contact Jon and he will get you the details.

Baptism This Sunday


Baptism is the outward sign of an inward change, a heart that has been made alive by the power of God. Baptisms please God, encourage the church, and proclaim the gospel to those who don't yet trust in Christ.

We will be holding a baptism immediately following our Sunday morning service this week.


If you have believed in Jesus but were never baptized then take advantage of this opportunity. Learn more about baptism and fill out the form if you're ready.

It Has Arrived

A Huge Block Party in Old Towne Orange

It kicked off an hour ago. The Orange International Street Fair has begun. Three days with 500,000 people in our neighborhood enjoying food, drink, and live music.

Head to the fair and take the opportunity to engage your neighbors. Walk away from this weekend knowing the name and the story of at least one new neighbor.

Get to Church Early

You'll need to arrive early on Sunday because parking will be tight. Show up at 9:30am for Sunday School and you'll have no problem.

Neighboring At House Of Hope

Being Good Neighbors For Jesus

On 5th Wednesdays throughout the year, the Pickard small group leads a team to serve at House of Hope. They serve a meal and spend time getting to know the women and children who live there.

A group was there this week and the residents provided anonymous prayer requests. Would you join us in praying for them?

  • "Please say a prayer for my sister. She is currently in remission from leukemia but still has to undergo chemo."

  • "God has blessed me in every way possible. My son and I are grateful for all we have gained. Prayer: patience, growth, our own place, health, keep us safe."

  • "I need prayer for God's will in returning back to school on 9/6. Need county approval before then. I also need prayer for my health. I am battling thyroid and ovarian cancer. Currently undergoing chemo for ovarian. Very strong treatment. And for my children to be comforted during this time. Thank you."

  • "Pray for my son in the Marines in Japan. For my 10-month old son, and for me to get a good job and apartment soon. Thanks."

  • Please pray for my friend to get through chemo. Please pray for me to gain employment. For my daughter to keep her safe and enjoy kindergarten. Thank you."

Thanks for praying.

If you would like to serve at House of Hope, contact Jon and he will invite you to the next one.

The Joy Of Community Under The Cross

We Are United By Jesus' Saving Work

The death of Jesus means life for us, a life that we now live together. Tonight small groups are gathering in our neighborhoods to sing, pray, share, and encourage. We do this to become like the Savior who loves us.

These Are Not Normal Meetings

God is at work. He is drawing us together. His Spirit is transforming us and empowering us to minister to one another. Though what we do appears natural, it is decidedly supernatural.

Join In

If you've not yet found a small group, get in touch with us. We want to help you experience and participate in the every-member ministry of Sovereign Grace Church. It's all for His glory and our joy.


From Dismay To Praise


How do you respond when life feels upside down? Society is broken. Family is at odds. Work is overwhelming. Even your own heart feels sick.


That is the message of Habakkuk. This Sunday we begin a 3-week break from our study in Romans to look at this minor prophet and learn how to wrestle with God like he did.

Get acquainted with the message of the book by reading it and watching the video above.

Sovereign Grace On The Dance Floor


It's no secret we love the city of Orange. God has planted us here. We love the people. We love the culture. This is home.

Now, our love for this city has been written in stone. Well brick. Our name is on one of the bricks of the Hart Park Bandshell Dance Floor. You can find it on the diagram and look for it the next time you're down there. You may notice another familiar family name on there as well.