Posts tagged exposition
Now To Him

Praise God Above All

On Sunday church member Israel Carbajal preached from Ephesians 3:20-21. We are to reserve our highest praise for God. He is able to do more. His power toward us is immeasurably great. His glory never ends. May we worship Him in 2020.

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The Chief Servant

The Humble Servant Is The Exalted Lord

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Philippians 2:5-11. Jesus Christ came into the world as a man to represent imperfect men before God. He took the lowest road imaginable, death on a cross. The Prince of Life forfeited His life so that we could be saved. All this He did to serve us. And we respond by gladly serving Him.

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Treating Our Insecurity

A Firm Foundation for Our Identity

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 1 Peter 2:4-10. Before we can know ourselves truly, we must know Jesus truly. He is the cornerstone; rejected by the world but chosen and precious to God. Only a life built on Him can endure. Our new identity is to proclaim His identity.

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Our Privileged Position

A Good Time To Be Alive

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from 1 Peter 1:10-12. We are often tempted to wish for a different life. But we occupy a privileged position in God’s plan of salvation. We know what prophets longed to know. We experience what angels wish they could experience. We enjoy a clear view of the glorious grace of God displayed through the saving work of His Son.

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What Does It Mean To Be Human?

We need to recover the glory of humanity.

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached the creation of Eve from Genesis 2:18-25. He reminded us that the glory of humanity is that we were made in God’s image, male and female, for His glory. We are the same, yet different. The union of a man and a woman in marriage beautifully displays both our sameness and our difference. And marriage points to something beyond marriage, something you don’t need to be married to experience: the love of Jesus for His bride, the church.

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God's Answer To The Man Who Lost Everything

Look At The Cool Animals

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached the second half of God’s response to Job from Job 40:6-42:6. In it we find God providing a detailed description of two fierce, ancient beasts. It’s God’s way of telling us that He is the master of our every monster.

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When God Answers You

He Is The Answer

On Sunday Pastor Mike preached the first of God’s responses to Job from Job 38:1-40:5. God dignifies us by responding to our many questions, confusions, and groanings. But He responds in a way we never expected. He doesn’t answer our questions. Instead, He offers a panoramic view of Himself. And that is precisely what we need.

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Am I Suffering Because Of My Sin?


On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Job 4:1-9 beginning three weeks covering the speeches of Job’s friends. He reminded us that sin is not always the direct cause of suffering. Often times, God’s purposes in suffering are mysterious. Many people suffer innocently in His world. Job did. Jesus did. And we will too.

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