Posts tagged noah
Don't Skip The Genealogy

God Put It There For A Good Reason

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 10:1-32. This genealogy reveals that every human is in solidarity with every other human. Humanity is one big family. This genealogy shows us the delusion of temporary prosperity. We must work for something more than what we can see. And this genealogy reminds us of the beauty of unmerited grace. Without this genealogy, there would be no Jesus. There would be no new humanity. But thank God, there is.

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Trembling Joy

What does it feel like to fear a God who is for you?

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 8:20-9:17. Just like Noah, we are in the center of God’s awesome power yet completely safe. We fear God and we love Him. We tremble before Him and we feel His tender care.

Listen to the sermon.

Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

How comfortable are you being different?

On Sunday Pastor Dustin continued the story of Noah and the ark preaching from Genesis 7:1-10. Noah believed things nobody believed, so he did things nobody would do. That is true for us as well. Our faith leads us to do things that the world around us views as bizarre. But it’s all worth it in the end.

Listen to the sermon.