Posts tagged christianity
Is God Really Among Us?

Marks of a Genuine Encounter with God

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Isaiah 6:1-8. Our greatest need when we gather as a church is to have genuine encounters with God. How do we know when this happens? We walk away amazed, humbled, forgiven, and sent.

Listen to the sermon.

Church Unity

Too Easily Taken for Granted

On Sunday guest preacher Ben Kreps shared from Psalm 133. Jesus’ saving work unites Christians to one another. Unity in the church is a gift to enjoy, a treasure to protect, and a message to communicate. May we cherish and guard our precious blood-bought unity.

Listen to the sermon.

Step Out Into A New World

Never lose the wonder of your new life in Christ

On Sunday Pastor Mike preached from Genesis 8:1-19. Noah and his family leave the ark and set foot on a renewed world. This corresponds to the life of every Christian. Those who hide themselves in Christ walk in newness of life now and will one day inhabit a completely renewed cosmos.

Listen to the sermon.

"All Israel Will Be Saved"

What Does That Mean?

In Sunday School this week we’ll be wrestling with Paul’s statement in Romans 11:26 that “all Israel” will be saved. Come be a part of the discussion. Learn and grow.

Woman’s Club Garden

Let's End Romans The Right Way

17 Months
47 Sermons
Over 30 Hours of Preaching

This Sunday is our last sermon in the book of Romans. Thank you for leaning in and listening with ears of faith. We have been challenged. We have been changed. God has done it through His Word.

Romans Doesn’t Have To End Here

We want to draw out our time in Romans a little bit more, so we are offering two special studies. Both of them will happen at Sunday School this Sunday (9/16) and next Sunday (9/23). Pastor Mike is teaching them.

He is tackling two big questions:

  • What did Paul mean when he wrote “all Israel will be saved” in Romans 11:26?

  • What happened to the Roman church after Paul’s letter?

Join us this Sunday at 9:30am in the Woman’s Club Gardens

We Want To Tell Your Story

We love Sundays because the church is all in one place. We are serving. We are singing. We are ministering to one another. We get to see it and experience it. What a joy.

But being a Christian is a full-time job. You are serving and representing Jesus all week in your homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods.

We Want To Know About It

We want to know how you are serving Christ the other six days of the week and tell your story on the blog. This will encourage us and bring glory to God.

If you're willing to write a paragraph or two to be shared, you can find instructions and submit here. If you want to see an example to get inspired, check out Rachel's story.

Thank You For Sharing Your Life In Christ With Us

An Angry Question For Our Youth

This Thursday at 7pm our youth continue their series on the seven angriest questions about religion. This week they wrestle with the following:

Is every health issue a spiritual issue?

What do Christians think about mental health? How does demon possession play into this? Should we pray for the sick or give them medicine?

Youth from inside and outside the church are welcome. Email Lisa if you have a teenager who would like to join in.