Posts tagged plaza church
Suffering Optional

Some Suffering is a Choice

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 1 Peter 3:8-17. We have no say in many of life’s trials. However, when it comes to suffering for righteousness’ sake, there are plenty of times we have to choose. Faithfulness to God often means ridicule from men. When faced with the choice, we choose to suffer because the good life is a life of fellowship with our Savior, not a life of worldly comfort.

Listen to the sermon.

Amazing Grace On A Dark Day

We’ve been asking the wrong question

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 3:8-24. Adam and Eve have sinned by eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Now the Lord confronts them. Most of us wonder why God would offer such a severe penalty for what seems to be such a petty crime. But that’s the wrong question. The right question is: why wasn’t the penalty more severe? Even at the very beginning, God responds to sin with amazing grace.

Listen to the sermon.

The Creation Of Everything

Everything has its significance in God.

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 1:2-31. What do we believe about the genesis of the cosmos? Were the days of creation literal or metaphorical? Is the earth billions or thousands of years old? There’s room in our hearts and on our bookshelves for different answers to these questions. Here’s what we must believe: God created all of it from nothing, He delights in everything, and He invests His very likeness into mankind.

Listen to the sermon.

Joining The Conversations In Old Towne Orange

Old Towne Orange Pastors

There are many discussions and issues that the people of Old Towne Orange care deeply about. We care about them too.

This week Pastor Eric and Pastor Dustin kicked off a Facebook Live broadcast aimed at engaging in these discussions with our neighbors. The first topic: local politics.

Check out the first broadcast.

Stay tuned for more and make sure to send in questions you’d like the pastors to tackle.

We Sing New Songs About God

We sing a new song this Sunday. Have a listen above or find it on our Spotify playlist.

We can’t wait to sing and celebrate our God and Savior with you this Sunday.


God, our Father, full of power 
Maker of the heavens
Maker of the world 
Forming all things seen and unseen 
Truly the Almighty beyond all measured worth 
Holy is His Name 

We believe the Lord our God is One 
Father, Spirit, Son; This is our God! 
We believe forever He will reign 
Let the church proclaim: This is our God! 

Our Lord Jesus sent to save us 
Born unto a virgin, lived a perfect life 
Greatly suffered, dying for us 
From the grave He’s risen
Seated now on high 
Holy is His Name 

Jesus will come back again
To judge the living and the dead 
Usher in the age to come
Let everyone sing “Amen” 

Spirit, holy, One in glory 
Speaking through the prophets
Empowering the Church 
Life is given by and through Him 
With the Son and Father
Worshiped and adored 
Holy is His Name