Posts tagged evangelical church
True Freedom

The Freedom to Obey God Rather Than Our Passions

On Sunday church member Israel Carbajal preached from 1 Peter 2:11-12. He reminded us that true liberty is found in obeying God — a liberty won for us by Jesus’ death and resurrection. We are not window-shopping the world. Rather, we joyfully obey God’s commands in order to experience peace, produce holiness, and give God the glory.

Listen to the sermon.

In Search Of The Good Life

Pick Your Path

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Psalm 1. He reminded us that we work tirelessly to find and experience the good life. We’ll try anything that promises to give it to us. But the only path that takes us there is the path paved by the Giver of Life.

Listen to the sermon.

The First Section Of Genesis Is Finished

Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 11:10-32 this past Sunday finishing up the first major section of the book. We now take a detour to the book of 1 Peter. Eric summed up this section by reminding us that the pace of our lives is slow, the details of our lives are forgotten, and nobody is perfect. But God is faithfully bringing His plans to pass. He’s using our lives. He’s regenerating the entire cosmos for His glory and our good.

Listen to the sermon.