Posts tagged sunday school
Can You Keep The Law Of God?

That’s the question at Sunday School this week.

Know What You Believe
Know Why You Believe It

We are working through the New City Catechism developing our understanding of core Christian beliefs.

Woman’s Club Gardens

For the new Christian, come and learn what you believe.

For the veteran Christian, clarify and sharpen your convictions.

Additional Resources

  • Use the web app or mobile app to take yourself through the catechism. There are 52 questions and answers, one for each week of the year. Memorize the question and answer for each week and engage with the material they provide. There is also a devotional to help you meditate and apply what you’re learning.

  • Make time for your family to go through it together and utilize the New City Catechism for kids.

The more we learn about God, the more we love Him.

Jump In To Sunday School

Know What You Believe
Know Why You Believe It

Sunday School is in session and there’s no better time to jump in than now. We are working through the New City Catechism developing our understanding of core Christian beliefs.

Woman’s Club Gardens

For the new Christian, come and learn what you believe.

For the veteran Christian, clarify and sharpen your convictions.

Additional Resources

  • Use the web app or mobile app to take yourself through the catechism. There are 52 questions and answers, one for each week of the year. Memorize the question and answer for each week and engage with the material they provide. There is also a devotional to help you meditate and apply what you’re learning.

  • Make time for your family to go through it together and utilize the New City Catechism for kids.

The more we learn about God, the more we love Him.

Make Sunday School Part Of Your 2019 Plans

Know What You Believe
Know Why You Believe It

Sunday School starts back up on January 6, 2019 at 9:30am in the Woman’s Club garden. We are spending a year in the New City Catechism strengthening our understanding of the core doctrines of Christianity.

For the new Christian, come and learn what you believe.

For the veteran Christian, clarify and sharpen your convictions.

Attending Sunday School is our #1 recommendation for each of you. We grow more when we learn together.

But if you can’t attend, there are a couple of other ways to engage with this material:

  • Use the web app or mobile app to take yourself through the catechism. There are 52 questions and answers, one for each week of the year. Memorize the question and answer for each week and engage with the material they provide. There is also a devotional to help you meditate and apply what you’re learning.

  • Make time for your family to go through it together and utilize the New City Catechism for kids.

The more we learn about God, the more we love Him.

Make Sunday School Part Of Your 2019 Plans

Know What You Believe And Why You Believe It

Sunday School starts back up on January 6, 2019 at 9:30am in the Woman’s Club garden. We are spending a year in the New City Catechism strengthening our understanding of the core doctrines of Christianity.

For the new Christian, come and learn what you believe. For the veteran Christian, clarify and sharpen your convictions.

Attending Sunday School is our #1 recommendation for each of you. We grow more when we learn together.

But even if you can’t, there are a couple of other ways to engage with this material:

  • Use the web app or mobile app to take yourself through the catechism. There are 52 questions and answers, one for each week of the year. Memorize the question and answer for each week and engage with the material they provide. There is also a devotional to help you meditate and apply what you’re learning.

  • Make time for your family to go through it together and utilize the New City Catechism for kids.

The more we learn about God, the more we love Him.

What Is God?

If you’re having trouble answering that question, we’ve got the class for you.

Sunday School starts back up on January 6, 2019 at 9:30am in the Woman’s Club garden. We are spending a year in the New City Catechism strengthening our understanding of the core doctrines of Christianity.

For the new Christian, come and learn what you believe. For the veteran Christian, clarify and sharpen your convictions.

Attending Sunday School is our #1 recommendation for each of you. We grow more when we learn together.

But if you can’t, there are a couple of other ways to engage with this material:

  • Use the web app or mobile app to take yourself through the catechism. There are 52 questions and answers, one for each week of the year. Memorize the question and answer for each week and engage with the material they provide. There is also a devotional to help you meditate and apply what you’re learning.

  • Make time for your family to go through it together and utilize the New City Catechism for kids.

The more we learn about God, the more we love Him.

"All Israel Will Be Saved"

What Does That Mean?

In Sunday School this week we’ll be wrestling with Paul’s statement in Romans 11:26 that “all Israel” will be saved. Come be a part of the discussion. Learn and grow.

Woman’s Club Garden

Let's End Romans The Right Way

17 Months
47 Sermons
Over 30 Hours of Preaching

This Sunday is our last sermon in the book of Romans. Thank you for leaning in and listening with ears of faith. We have been challenged. We have been changed. God has done it through His Word.

Romans Doesn’t Have To End Here

We want to draw out our time in Romans a little bit more, so we are offering two special studies. Both of them will happen at Sunday School this Sunday (9/16) and next Sunday (9/23). Pastor Mike is teaching them.

He is tackling two big questions:

  • What did Paul mean when he wrote “all Israel will be saved” in Romans 11:26?

  • What happened to the Roman church after Paul’s letter?

Join us this Sunday at 9:30am in the Woman’s Club Gardens

Study The Most Important Book On The Planet


The Bible is the most important book on the planet. If you want to get better at reading and understanding Scripture then take advantage of Sunday School. The aim is to help you grow in your appreciation and application of God's Word.


If you're looking for a good time to jump in, there's no better time than now. We are making our way through Hebrews. Plan to join us!