Posts tagged preach romans
Our Diversity Is No Threat To Our Unity

ROMANS 15:1-13

This past Sunday Pastor Dustin reminded us that God is preserving our diversity as we reach maturity. We are not all the same, and that is a good thing, even though it can create tension. God has provided everything we need to persevere as a community comprised of very different people.

Listen to the sermon.

Welcome Those Who Disagree With You


On Sunday, Pastor Eric preached from Romans 14:1-12. It's inevitable that we will disagree with other Christians over disputable matters. We each have our list. Part of our service to one another, for the sake of unity, is to keep our opinions to ourselves. We embrace and welcome one another completely because God has welcomed all of us. We think little of our opinions and marvel at the grace of God in uniting us.

Listen to the sermon.


Love When It Hurts

Love The Enemy Next Door

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Romans 12:14-21. God tells us to love our neighbors and our enemies because oftentimes they are the same. The real test of love is whether or not we can love like Jesus, the One who laid down His life for His enemies. We are surrounded by people who don't love us. We do good to them with the hope that God may turn them into friends.

Listen to the sermon.