Posts tagged gospel orange
Christians Have The Corner On Hope

The Future is Impossibly Bright

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 1 Peter 1:3-5. The new life that we have in Christ through His resurrection is the source of our hope. His very life courses through our veins. Our eternal inheritance is being kept for us and we are being kept for it by God’s power.

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A Joyful Church

Genuine Christians With Genuine Joy

On Sunday, Pastor Dustin preached from John 15:1-11 beginning a 4-week sermon series on the culture of our church. What kind of church is Sovereign Grace? A community of joy. We exhibit the joy of Jesus in many ways: our songs, our smiles, our perseverance, our love for one another. It’s not fake, happy-clappy joy. It’s deep-seated and indestructible. Let’s exhibit it all the more.

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Resource Recommendations from the sermon:

Welcome Those Who Disagree With You


On Sunday, Pastor Eric preached from Romans 14:1-12. It's inevitable that we will disagree with other Christians over disputable matters. We each have our list. Part of our service to one another, for the sake of unity, is to keep our opinions to ourselves. We embrace and welcome one another completely because God has welcomed all of us. We think little of our opinions and marvel at the grace of God in uniting us.

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The One Debt You Cannot Repay

We Can Never Love Enough

On Sunday Pastor Eric continued our series in Romans preaching Romans 13:8-14. He reminded us that the debt of love we owe can never be satisfied. We are never done loving each other because Jesus is never done loving us. We continue to pour our lives out for others because Jesus' love is inexhaustible. 

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Do You Want To Be Strong?

Faith Transforms Adversity Into Strength

On Sunday Pastor Dustin finished our series in Habakkuk preaching chapter 3. He reminded us of a hard truth. Tragedy and sorrow are part of God's plan for us. They make us vulnerable. But they can also be God's way of making us strong. If we trust God's character, remember His power, wait for His intervention, and celebrate present grace then our sorrows become strength. 

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