Posts tagged church community
Pray For Your Small Group Leaders

Your Small Group Leaders Love You

Small Groups are the backbone of our community life. They are where everyday discipleship takes place. They are led by volunteers who love us, welcome us, and help us.

Tonight the small group leaders gather with Pastor Dustin for their quarterly training meeting. They’ll pray, discuss, minister to one another, and learn.

Will you pause for a moment and pray that God will use their time together this evening?

Pray For Your Small Group Leaders

Our small group ministry isn't just one option among many ministries of the church, this is THE ministry.


Our life together is organized into two primary contexts. Our big meetings are Sunday services. Our small meetings are small groups. This is where we get to pursue one another and grow in our understanding of the gospel and its application in our lives.

Without small groups, we wouldn't be able to love one another because we wouldn't know one another. 


They are meeting tonight and covet your prayers for God to use them and equip them as they lead our small groups.

The One Debt You Cannot Repay

We Can Never Love Enough

On Sunday Pastor Eric continued our series in Romans preaching Romans 13:8-14. He reminded us that the debt of love we owe can never be satisfied. We are never done loving each other because Jesus is never done loving us. We continue to pour our lives out for others because Jesus' love is inexhaustible. 

Listen to the sermon.

The Summer Of Fun Continues


Our Summer calendar is full of fun activities for you and your family. Make friends and help us build community by getting out to as many of these as you can. Next week we've got two events you can plug into.

Beach Day
Tue 7/10 9:30am-1:30pm
Corona Del Mar State Beach

Park Day
Thu 7/12 10:00am-12:00pm
Hart Park

Contact the church office if you need more details.


Patio Takeovers In Old Towne Orange

Old Towne Orange has no shortage of great places to eat. And any given Sunday after church you can find members of our church building community over lunch (the picture above is case in point).

Don't Waste Your Lunch

It's tempting to race home after church each Sunday. Kids are hungry and tired. Adults are hungry and tired. We get it.

But the lunch hour on Sunday is an opportunity to make connections and deepen friendships. Capitalize on it. Invite someone to lunch. Find a group that's heading out. Invite someone over to your house for lunch. Use those couple hours after the service to love one another (John 13:34) and show hospitality (Rom. 12:13). It pleases God and it strengthens the church.