Serving For Jesus' Sake

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”
Colossians 3:23-24

To run our services every Sunday we rely on a team of volunteers. They do it for us and their Savior.

They don’t do it to be recognized, which is why it’s so much fun to publicly recognize them.

This past Sunday we had Scott on his last day with the video team training Paul to replace him. Nate on the drums preparing to lead congregational singing while being a dad to his kids. Zac, Ben, Joey, and Anne cleaning our projection screen.

This is only a small sampling. There are volunteers welcoming guests, making coffee, caring for children, printing bulletins, teaching Sunday School, setting up and tearing down, and participating in our liturgy.

All of them are proof that the Lord is at work among us. A community of people who serve Jesus by serving us.

We thank God and we thank you for serving.

The End Of Everything


On Sunday Pastor Eric finished off the book of Romans preaching the doxology at the very end, Romans 16:25-27. He reminded us that Romans is designed to turn us into worshipers. Not scholars. Not intellectuals. Not good citizens. But worshipers. Our thoughts about God must turn into heartfelt love and adoration of God. That’s what the book of Romans has done for us.

Listen to the sermon.

Guests We've Got Lunch For You


Guests, join us this Sunday for The Intro Course. This is the perfect next step if you want to get to know Sovereign Grace Church.

The class is led by a pastor and hosted in their home. The first one is happening this Sunday right after church from 12:30pm-2:30pm. Lunch and childcare are provided.


The Intro Course is for any and every guest of Sovereign Grace Church. Whether you've attended for 1 Sunday or 100 Sundays. Whether you're a Christian or not. Whether you want to join as a member or have no idea what membership is. This class is for you. It's a place to come and explore, learn, and ask questions.

Get registered right here.

"All Israel Will Be Saved"

What Does That Mean?

In Sunday School this week we’ll be wrestling with Paul’s statement in Romans 11:26 that “all Israel” will be saved. Come be a part of the discussion. Learn and grow.

Woman’s Club Garden

Thanks For Loving The Garden

Beautiful Garden + Our Children = One Rule

We want to be good stewards of the Woman's Club garden. They have made improvements and we keep having more children (hooray!).

We have one simple rule:

Stay on the bricks.

Please ensure all children stay on the bricks at all times. They are free to run and play in the garden, just not in the planters and behind the building.

Thanks for helping us be the best tenants ever for the Woman's Club.

The Best Way To Get To Know Sovereign Grace Church

The Intro Course

Guests are invited to join our pastors for a series of four classes designed to introduce you to what makes Sovereign Grace Church unique.

Each class is led by a pastor and hosted in their home. The classes happen 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month right after church from 12:30pm-2:30pm.

Who should attend?

The Intro Course is for any and every guest of Sovereign Grace Church. Whether you've attended for 1 Sunday or 100 Sundays. Whether you're a Christian or not. Whether you want to join as a member or have no idea what membership is. This class is for you. It's a place to come and explore, learn, and ask questions.

The first class is this Sunday, September 16th.

Get registered right here.

Let's End Romans The Right Way

17 Months
47 Sermons
Over 30 Hours of Preaching

This Sunday is our last sermon in the book of Romans. Thank you for leaning in and listening with ears of faith. We have been challenged. We have been changed. God has done it through His Word.

Romans Doesn’t Have To End Here

We want to draw out our time in Romans a little bit more, so we are offering two special studies. Both of them will happen at Sunday School this Sunday (9/16) and next Sunday (9/23). Pastor Mike is teaching them.

He is tackling two big questions:

  • What did Paul mean when he wrote “all Israel will be saved” in Romans 11:26?

  • What happened to the Roman church after Paul’s letter?

Join us this Sunday at 9:30am in the Woman’s Club Gardens