Jessica's Testimony

On Sunday, we welcomed Jessica as a new member. She shared with us why she is glad to call Sovereign Grace Church “home."

I was a member and on staff at a large church. It was at that church where I became a Christian. It was there where I discovered the value of community and discipleship. It was there where I encouraged, loved, and challenged. I was deeply connected. It was home.

But a little over year ago I knew that it was time for me to find a new home. I just didn’t feel like I was growing spiritually anymore but I wanted go hold on because it was all I had ever known. I was torn and confused.

I shared this with a friend of mine and he invited me to Sovereign Grace. I agreed and visited. Of course I was nervous because I hadn’t been the new person at church in a very long time. But I was warmly greeted as entered and even invited to go to someone’s home for lunch. I was taken aback at everyone’s warmth and genuineness. It was overwhelming in the best way.

I visited other churches trying to find a new home but would go back to Sovereign Grace. There’s just something about this church.

I joined a small group, attended fellowship events, and made incredible friendships here.

I am so thankful that God in this season of my life has me at his very church and I am so excited to be a part of it.

I am growing here, I am challenged here, I have community here, and I am loved and encouraged by others here. This is home.

Unoriginal Christians

Our Lives Relentlessly Point to Christ

On Sunday church intern Dylan Sohie preached from 1 Corinthians 11:1. He reminded us that the Christian life is a life of imitation. Originality is overrated. We want our lives to inspire others to love and serve Jesus.

Listen to the sermon.

Guests: You Are Invited To The Intro Course

Introducing "The Intro Course"

We have said goodbye to Starting Point. Now, let us introduce you to The Intro Course. It's a series of four classes designed to help guests understand what makes Sovereign Grace Church unique.

Each class is led by a pastor and hosted in their home. The classes happen 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month right after church from 12:30pm-2:30pm.

Who should attend?

The Intro Course is for any and every guest of Sovereign Grace Church. Whether you've attended for 1 Sunday or 100 Sundays. Whether you're a Christian or not. Whether you want to join as a member or have no idea what membership is. This class is for you. It's a place to come and explore, learn, and ask questions.

The first class begins on Sunday, September 16th.

Get registered right here.

Why Small Groups?

This Is Your Ministry

Small Groups are not one ministry in the life of our church, they are the ministry. Like breathing, these groups provide oxygen to our relationships with one another. They facilitate discipleship. They provide a context for relationships that help us become more like Jesus.

A Series On The "Why" Of Our Small Groups

Over the next few months, we are going to write a series of posts highlighting why we do small groups the way we do.

For those of you already participating in a small group, this should strengthen your appreciation for your small group and help you continue to faithfully participate.

For those of you not currently participating in a small group, consider this an invitation. We want you to experience the rich benefits of a life lived with other Christians. It's the way God intended us to grow and bear fruit.

Reason 1: True Fellowship

"We should not think of our fellowship with other Christians as a spiritual luxury, an optional addition to the exercises of private devotions. Fellowship is one of the great words of the New Testament: it denotes something that is vital to a Christian’s spiritual health, and central to the Church’s true life...The church will flourish and Christians will be strong only when there is fellowship." J.I. Packer

Our desire to know others and be known by others is a sign that we were made for fellowship. That ache for deep and meaningful connection to other humans is no accident. It was woven into us by our Maker.

Certainly, you were made to know God and enjoy Him. But you were not made to do either of those alone. You were meant to do those in community. That's fellowship: a shared experience of God Himself with others who are united to Christ.

In small groups, that is what we are seeking. Through praying together, learning together, counseling one another, sharing the Word of God with one another, meeting one another's needs, we want to experience true fellowship. As Packer notes above, this is not optional, it's vital to our spiritual health.

We commit to a small group as a way of committing to our own spiritual health, the spiritual health of others, and the spiritual health of the church. This takes sacrifice. It takes time as we meet with one another inside and outside of planned meetings. It takes courage as we share who we really are with one another. It takes energy as we listen, pray, and bear one another's burdens.

But this investment has wonderful returns: growth, harmony, joy, and most of all, a display of the glory of God among us.

Street Fair Time Lapse

The Street Fair in 3 Minutes

Cheers to I Heart Old Towne Orange for this time lapse and drone footage of the 2018 Orange International Street Fair.

First Friday Fast - September

Join us in fasting on the first Friday of every month in 2018. Church members who fast for all 12 Fridays will be invited to a year-end party to celebrate the answers to our prayers.

If fasting is new to you, here are some instructions.


Our prayer focus for September is the work of our brothers and sisters in Australia.

  • Pray for the Pastoral Team of Sovereign Grace Sydney and their families: Dave, Brendan, and Patrick. Pray for wisdom, courage, and compassion.
  • Pray for Sovereign Grace Sydney's retreat this weekend from Friday to Sunday. Our very own Pastor Eric will be speaking at it. Pray that God would refresh their congregation and strengthen their bonds with one another.
  • Pray for Riley Spring and their ambition to plant a church in the neighborhood of Parramatta in Sydney. Pray that God would supply the people, resources, and opportunities they need.
  • Pray that the gospel would progress in Australia and more gospel-proclaiming churches would be planted.
Church Budget

We publish updates on our financial status throughout the year. A final annual report is published every Fall.

These figures represent the grace of God at work in the members and friends of our local church. It's unmistakable. God is being kind towards us and we want to thank Him and you.

Thank you.

Of course, numbers are only a small fraction of all the way our church is contributing to the ministry of our church. Wouldn't it be great if we could publish a monthly report on your generous affections for one another? Or all the hours you spend together? Thank you for living no longer for yourselves but for God and your neighbor!

May the accounting of His provisions encourage your faith. Please continue to pray that we would steward it all for the advance of His gospel and the good of His church.

Sept 1st 2017 - July 31st 2018

$ 265,388 Contributions

$ 256,367 Expenses

Questions? Please contact a member of our Finance Committee.

Church Staff
We Are Under Attack

Romans 16:17-24

On Sunday, Pastor Eric reminded us that our greatest enemies are those we fail to recognize. We are influenced by what we listen to, what we sing, and what we read. Are those things Christian or are we being subtly led astray by our enemy? We need to be discerning. Discernment is a crucial skill in order for us to more fully live in the good of the gospel.

Listen to the sermon.