Posts tagged new member
Jessica's Testimony

On Sunday, we welcomed Jessica as a new member. She shared with us why she is glad to call Sovereign Grace Church “home."

I was a member and on staff at a large church. It was at that church where I became a Christian. It was there where I discovered the value of community and discipleship. It was there where I encouraged, loved, and challenged. I was deeply connected. It was home.

But a little over year ago I knew that it was time for me to find a new home. I just didn’t feel like I was growing spiritually anymore but I wanted go hold on because it was all I had ever known. I was torn and confused.

I shared this with a friend of mine and he invited me to Sovereign Grace. I agreed and visited. Of course I was nervous because I hadn’t been the new person at church in a very long time. But I was warmly greeted as entered and even invited to go to someone’s home for lunch. I was taken aback at everyone’s warmth and genuineness. It was overwhelming in the best way.

I visited other churches trying to find a new home but would go back to Sovereign Grace. There’s just something about this church.

I joined a small group, attended fellowship events, and made incredible friendships here.

I am so thankful that God in this season of my life has me at his very church and I am so excited to be a part of it.

I am growing here, I am challenged here, I have community here, and I am loved and encouraged by others here. This is home.

Kevin And Katie Became Members


We are both glad and humbled every time a person says, "I want to join in on what God is doing at Sovereign Grace Church." That's what membership is. An opportunity for the church and the individual to say clearly, "We are in this together as long as the Lord allows." 

On Sunday we welcomed two folks we love dearly as members of Sovereign Grace Church. Kevin has been around for 8 years and Katie is coming up on one year.

Kevin thanked Sovereign Grace for loving him through the ups and downs of his Christian walk.
Katie thanked the church for welcoming her with open arms. 

All of us rejoiced as God weaved them into the fabric of our church.