Patio Takeovers In Old Towne Orange

Old Towne Orange has no shortage of great places to eat. And any given Sunday after church you can find members of our church building community over lunch (the picture above is case in point).

Don't Waste Your Lunch

It's tempting to race home after church each Sunday. Kids are hungry and tired. Adults are hungry and tired. We get it.

But the lunch hour on Sunday is an opportunity to make connections and deepen friendships. Capitalize on it. Invite someone to lunch. Find a group that's heading out. Invite someone over to your house for lunch. Use those couple hours after the service to love one another (John 13:34) and show hospitality (Rom. 12:13). It pleases God and it strengthens the church.

Abby's Testimony

On Sunday we celebrated and prayed for students in our church that just graduated from high school. Abby shared about her time growing up in Sovereign Grace Church and the impact you have had on her. Here it is in her own words:

I’ve been attending Sovereign Grace Church of Orange for about 11 years. I graduated from High School last week and there's one big thing I want to say:

Thank you for supporting me.

Whether it was being encouraged through the Pastors’ sermons, commiserating with my fellow high schoolers, or being renewed every Sunday through worship, you have all cared, not only for me, but for every young person in your church.  

The youth mentorship program in particular was huge blessing for me. I was paired with Grace Wang and we spent our time studying the word and exploring how to apply it to our lives. If you are a high school student who isn’t sure if you want to take part in mentorship I would strongly urge you to. 

Shockingly, I have found that older adults actually have some valuable wisdom.  

Youth group has also blessed me. We take time to tackle and discuss difficult topics and we puzzle through them together. Through our discussion, we have all learned how to arrive at truth together. That is a lesson that I have found to be absolutely invaluable in adult life.

You all are accepting of high schoolers, who can be a bit much at times. Instead of asking us to watch others serving and to learn from them, you actually encourage us to take part in ministry.  From the time I began attending Sovereign Grace as a squirrely 7-year-old, I have been urged to live out my faith by serving. I still remember Mike Davis teaching me how to plug all the cords into the soundboard when I was 10 years old. This practice has fostered a clear maturity in all the youth at this church.  

I think one thing that sums up how I feel about you, Sovereign Grace Church, is that every time I have brought a friend to church with me, later, when I asked them what they thought, I invariably got the same response: “People actually introduced themselves to me…it was weird.” 

Keep being weird.

Keep being welcoming and loving without limitations. Thank you for bearing with me through my many moody and awkward phases. Thank you for teaching me to, as Ecclesiastes 12:1 says, “Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come.”

Sovereign Grace Santa Ana New Service Time

Did you hear the news?

The church plant in Santa Ana is moving their service to 10:30am on Sunday mornings. They began as a small group two years ago, started evening services in November 2017, and now are moving to Sunday mornings.

God is using them to spread the joy of Jesus in another neighborhood.

This move will only better equip them to reach their neighbors. Pray for their efforts. 

If you know someone in Santa Ana, encourage them to attend.

Persist In Prayer In Perplexing Times


On Sunday, Pastor Mike kicked off a 3-week series on the minor prophet Habakkuk preaching verse 1-11. Habakkuk saw things falling apart around him and complained to God about His indifference. We may struggle with the same thing at times. And yet God is always working, even when we can't see it and even when we don't like what He is doing. He is using everything, even the worst things, for His good purposes.

Listen to the sermon.

From Dismay To Praise


How do you respond when life feels upside down? Society is broken. Family is at odds. Work is overwhelming. Even your own heart feels sick.


That is the message of Habakkuk. This Sunday we begin a 3-week break from our study in Romans to look at this minor prophet and learn how to wrestle with God like he did.

Get acquainted with the message of the book by reading it and watching the video above.

Sovereign Grace On The Dance Floor


It's no secret we love the city of Orange. God has planted us here. We love the people. We love the culture. This is home.

Now, our love for this city has been written in stone. Well brick. Our name is on one of the bricks of the Hart Park Bandshell Dance Floor. You can find it on the diagram and look for it the next time you're down there. You may notice another familiar family name on there as well.

We Said "Good Pie" To Good Friends


Christian, Leah, and their daughter Cana are relocating to Northern California. On Wednesday, their small group hosted a "good pie" party to send them off with our affection. We are sad to see them go but trust that the Lord is at work. May He use them to serve His purposes in their new city.