Posts tagged santa ana church plant
Sovereign Grace Santa Ana New Service Time

Did you hear the news?

The church plant in Santa Ana is moving their service to 10:30am on Sunday mornings. They began as a small group two years ago, started evening services in November 2017, and now are moving to Sunday mornings.

God is using them to spread the joy of Jesus in another neighborhood.

This move will only better equip them to reach their neighbors. Pray for their efforts. 

If you know someone in Santa Ana, encourage them to attend.

Spend Good Friday In Santa Ana

Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana is partnering with two other churches to host a Good Friday service and you're invited. Spend the evening reflecting on the life-giving death of Jesus Christ and encourage your brothers and sisters who are laboring in Santa Ana.

Friday 3/30/2018
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Hidden House Coffee in DTSA

Seating is limited. Plan to bring a folding chair.


Visit The Santa Ana Church Plant


This Sunday you are invited to visit our Santa Ana church plant for their evening service. Then stick around for tacos from a local food truck. Encourage and reunite with the friends who you've sent there to establish a new church.

The fun starts at 5pm on Sunday at Heninger Elementary.

A Church-Planting Church

During our service this Sunday morning, we will be commissioning the core team to establish a church in downtown Santa Ana. A group has already been holding services for the past two months, now we officially send them off to invest themselves in their new city.

This is a celebration

You have acted in faith by praying and giving. Now, we get to rejoice that God is bearing fruit through your efforts. You are planting your first church.

God is calling us to give more

As we say goodbye to our friends, we will ache. This will be the hardest thing to give up. But we are giving them up that God may use them to reach new people. What you've built with them, they will now build with others. More people will experience the joy of Jesus. God will bear more fruit.

Come ready to rejoice and send

Santa Ana - God's Surprising Provision

Planting a church takes many partners. Some are planned and strategic.

Some partners surprise us.

They are God's way of making it clear that this is His work. He is committed to it, He is providing for it, and He is accomplishing it. 

Recently, we received a generous, unsolicited financial contribution from a sister church in our denomination. They did this out of the goodness of their own hearts because they believe God called them to.

Included was a note addressed to Kyle Houlton, our church planter in Santa Ana. Read it and be encouraged that God is supplying all we need to reach people in Santa Ana. 


We love church planters, and we thank God for you and Kelsey! Thank you for serving Christ and for making sacrifices to see the gospel advance in Santa Ana. We are praying for you, and we are excited about all that God will do through your labors. God is with you!


Santa Ana - A Big Thank You

The gospel was preached where it wasn't preached last week

The first service in downtown Santa Ana is in the books. Songs were sung, guests were greeted, and Bibles were opened. All of it offered to Jesus through Jesus and for Jesus.

Thank you for being a church-planting church

We are filled with gratitude to God and to you. Thanks to those who served and thanks to those who came out in support. You have proven yourselves willing to make sacrifices for the advance of the gospel.

Head to the Facebook gallery to see more photos.

A Meeting You Don't Want to Miss

Church Member Meeting

Sunday, November 12th
In the Woman's Club Garden
Right After the Service

Twice a year we host members meetings. It's the pastoral team's way to equip you to be Sovereign Grace Church of Orange. 

If you are a member or regular attender who considers Sovereign Grace Church your home church, then be there. This is for you and it won't happen again for another 6 months.

It's a working lunch so pack food. You'll miss the meeting if you try to run and grab something. We will also have Buck-A-Slice pizza available.

Here's a sneak peek at some of our agenda items:

1. The latest with the Santa Ana Church Plant and how you can make a critical contribution.
2. The impact your generosity is having on our mission in Orange.
3. The opportunities God is giving us to participate in the Asia Pacific region.