Posts tagged sovereign grace
Honor Everyone

A Counterintuitive & Countercultural Command

On Sunday Pastor Mike preached from 1 Peter 2:13-25. Jesus, who suffered silently at the hands of unjust authorities, calls His followers to do the same. We are to honor even those who act dishonorably. Politicians. Bosses. We submit to our great Overseer by submitting to those he has placed in authority over us.

Listen to the sermon.

Our Pastors Are Hitting The Road


On Thursday our Pastoral Team piles into a minivan and heads to Phoenix, AZ. They'll be spending three days with pastors from seven churches in the western United States for our denomination's Regional Assembly of Elders. In these meetings they'll be discussing, strategizing, and praying for our work to train pastors and plant churches. Keep them and their families in prayer this week.

Pastors College 20 Year Anniversary

Pastors Who Train Pastors

Our denomination recently celebrated the 20 year anniversary of its Pastors College with a video that explains and recounts its history. In 1997, Sovereign Grace Churches created a context to intentionally train and equip men for pastoral ministry.

287 men have been through the college and two of them are our pastors (look closely in the photos). We thank God for putting us in a denomination where calling, equipping, and supporting pastors is a high priority.

Enjoy the video above and read more on Sovereign Grace's website.

Taking Jesus Up On His Offer

The Kindest Command

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Jesus' offer still stands. If we will cast our burdens on Him, He will give us the rest we need.

This Sunday, we sing a new song to lead us in doing just that. Listen and come ready to sing with us and ask for Jesus' help.


When troubles come, when darkness crowds
When fortunes fail and loss surrounds
My soul is weak, but Christ is strong
And so to Him I leave it all
For He Who holds all things
Can bear each care I bring

So, I lay it all on Jesus
Steadfast is the love of Jesus
He hears my cry, He’s faithful
I lay it all on Jesus

When questions rise, when faith wears thin
When fears come fast, and truth grows dim
The One Who saved will not forsake
I’ll trust His word and trust His way
For He Who bore my blame
Can bear each care I name

I am weak; You are strong
Jesus, come and take it all
All my cares I cast on You

I lay it all, I lay it all on Jesus

November Read A Book Challenge

A book recommended by your pastor.

Join us as we read 12 books in 12 months. This month we are reading a book recommended by your pastor. Here are some of their top picks:

True Worshipers - Bob Kauflin
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God - J.I. Packer
The Weight of Glory - C.S. Lewis
Eve in Exile - Rebekah Merkle (Watch for a review of this one next week)

If none of these spark your interest, all of the books recommended in previous months are fair game. They were all recommended by your pastors. 

Grow With Your Pastors

Earlier this month your pastors attended our denomination's annual pastors conference. The Lord works wonderfully at this event each year and now you can get in on it.

All of the messages from the conference are online.

We encourage you to listen in.

If you are looking for recommendations, check these out:

A Heart for the Church (H.B. Charles Jr.)

Power from on High (Jared Mellinger)

The Invincible Church (Jeff Purswell)