Posts tagged missions
Pastor Eric Traveling To Asia

You are sending Eric to Asia

This week Pastor Eric joins fellow pastors from our denomination on a two-week trip to India and Nepal. They will be training local pastors and growing existing partnerships. 

By sending Eric, you are participating in the good work God is doing halfway across the world.

You are also welcome to participate by joining us in prayer. Here are four things you can be praying:

  1. That God would use them to equip Indian and Nepalese pastors to shepherd the flocks God has given them.
  2. That partnerships with local leaders and churches would be strengthened and positioned for growth.
  3. That God would keep them healthy and safe throughout their time in these countries.
  4. That the families of Eric and the other pastors would be well taken care of while the men are traveling.
Sending Our Friends To Santa Ana

Our ambition is to plant 10 churches in 10 years

We are well on our way to planting our first one. Since November, Pastoral Resident Kyle Houlton and a group of members have been holding services in downtown Santa Ana. The time has come for them to fully invest themselves in this new work.

Sunday, January 7th

During our service on 1/7/2018, the Pastoral Team will lead us in commissioning the core team to their new city for a longer-term commitment.

Making sacrifices is what we do

These brothers and sisters will be pouring themselves into Santa Ana. We will see a lot less of them. It will be a big adjustment. But these are the kinds of sacrifices that Christians make for the spread of the gospel.