Posts tagged pastors conference
Grow With Your Pastors

Earlier this month your pastors attended our denomination's annual pastors conference. The Lord works wonderfully at this event each year and now you can get in on it.

All of the messages from the conference are online.

We encourage you to listen in.

If you are looking for recommendations, check these out:

A Heart for the Church (H.B. Charles Jr.)

Power from on High (Jared Mellinger)

The Invincible Church (Jeff Purswell)


Pray for the Pastors Conference

This week a group of 10 men from our church are attending our denomination's Pastors Conference in Orlando. This is a highlight every year!

Will you join us in praying?

Pray that friendships would be forged.
Pray that pastors and leaders would be refreshed.
Pray that our shared mission to plant gospel-proclaiming churches would prosper.