Posts tagged new songs
Taking Jesus Up On His Offer

The Kindest Command

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Jesus' offer still stands. If we will cast our burdens on Him, He will give us the rest we need.

This Sunday, we sing a new song to lead us in doing just that. Listen and come ready to sing with us and ask for Jesus' help.


When troubles come, when darkness crowds
When fortunes fail and loss surrounds
My soul is weak, but Christ is strong
And so to Him I leave it all
For He Who holds all things
Can bear each care I bring

So, I lay it all on Jesus
Steadfast is the love of Jesus
He hears my cry, He’s faithful
I lay it all on Jesus

When questions rise, when faith wears thin
When fears come fast, and truth grows dim
The One Who saved will not forsake
I’ll trust His word and trust His way
For He Who bore my blame
Can bear each care I name

I am weak; You are strong
Jesus, come and take it all
All my cares I cast on You

I lay it all, I lay it all on Jesus

Inviting God On Sundays

God the Holy Spirit

We worship God as trinity: Father, Son, and Spirit. This Sunday we sing a new song to celebrate and invite the work of the Spirit among us.

Listen above and come prepared to sing with us.


Verse 1
Holy Spirit, living Breath of God,
Breathe new life into my willing soul.
Bring the presence of the risen Lord
To renew my heart and make me whole.
Cause Your Word to come alive in me;
Give me faith for what I cannot see;
Give me passion for Your purity.
Holy Spirit, breathe new life in me.

Verse 2
Holy Spirit, come abide within;
May Your joy be seen in all I do—
Love enough to cover ev’ry sin
In each thought and deed and attitude,
Kindness to the greatest and the least,
Gentleness that sows the path of peace.
Turn my striving into works of grace.
Breath of God, show Christ in all I do. 

Verse 3
Holy Spirit, from creation’s birth,
Giving life to all that God has made,
Show Your power once again on earth;
Cause Your church to hunger for Your ways.
Let the fragrance of our prayers arise.
Lead us on the road of sacrifice
That in unity the face of Christ
Will be clear for all the world to see.