Posts tagged mission
You're Invited Into Our Lives

Come join us next week as we gather together as friends committed to following Jesus together. Our small groups meet on Wednesday and Friday nights. Guests are always welcome.

Get your invite here.

We Are Men On A Mission

Our first ever Men's Retreat is in the books. The Sovereign Grace churches of Orange, Pasadena, and Santa Ana joined forces for 44-hours of teaching, singing, eating, and manly competitions. 

God Met Us

As we focused on our gospel mission God filled us with fresh faith, cared for men who were in need, and crystallized our role in His plan. Plus, we had a ton of fun. Our friendships grew as we ate bugs, played soccer, and threw frisbees at each other. We are freshly aware of the gift that God has given us in the men of our churches.

Thank You For Sending The Men

Some of you were generous and sponsored guys who couldn't afford to go. Wives did double duty while the men were away. Thank you for making the sacrifices necessary to send men up the hill.

See All The Photos

Our Prayer-Fueled Mission


One of our members, Grant, preached from Colossians 4:2-4 this past Sunday. He reminded us that the need for prayer in our mission is unchanging. God calls us to pray. He wants us to pray particular things for particular people in particular places. We make God's mission our own by asking Him to open doors for us to make the gospel known.

Listen to the sermon.

Sending Our Friends To Santa Ana

Our ambition is to plant 10 churches in 10 years

We are well on our way to planting our first one. Since November, Pastoral Resident Kyle Houlton and a group of members have been holding services in downtown Santa Ana. The time has come for them to fully invest themselves in this new work.

Sunday, January 7th

During our service on 1/7/2018, the Pastoral Team will lead us in commissioning the core team to their new city for a longer-term commitment.

Making sacrifices is what we do

These brothers and sisters will be pouring themselves into Santa Ana. We will see a lot less of them. It will be a big adjustment. But these are the kinds of sacrifices that Christians make for the spread of the gospel.