Posts tagged tustin
The Chief Servant

The Humble Servant Is The Exalted Lord

On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Philippians 2:5-11. Jesus Christ came into the world as a man to represent imperfect men before God. He took the lowest road imaginable, death on a cross. The Prince of Life forfeited His life so that we could be saved. All this He did to serve us. And we respond by gladly serving Him.

Listen to the sermon.

Fasting This Friday - February

Join us in fasting on the first Friday of every month in 2018. Church members who fast for all 12 Fridays will be invited to a year-end party to celebrate the answers to our prayers. Sign-up so that we know you'll be joining us.

If fasting is new to you, here are some instructions.


Our focus for February is Orange County and our ambition to see more gospel-proclaiming churches planted. Let's be hungry for God to do what only he can do.

  • Pray for God to lead us in finding our next church planting cities/sites.
  • Pray for our neighboring cities like Anaheim, Tustin, and Garden Grove, that God would be preparing His harvest.
  • Pray for God to raise up church planters and other leaders, both from within our church and from the outside.
  • Pray for the churches who are already faithfully making disciples throughout Orange County. Pray for their strength, unity, peace, and faithfulness to the mission.
  • Pray for government officials and other civic leaders.