Posts tagged ministry
Pray For Your Small Group Leaders

Your Small Group Leaders Love You

Small Groups are the backbone of our community life. They are where everyday discipleship takes place. They are led by volunteers who love us, welcome us, and help us.

Tonight the small group leaders gather with Pastor Dustin for their quarterly training meeting. They’ll pray, discuss, minister to one another, and learn.

Will you pause for a moment and pray that God will use their time together this evening?

A New Small Group Is Forming

“…that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.” -1 John 1:3

Your Ministry Keeps Growing

Small Groups are the backbone of our community life. They’re where we live out all the “one anothers” of the New Testament. They’re the place where we know others and are known by others. They’re discipleship hubs.

As previously announced, we’re beginning another small group in Old Towne Orange! Pastor Dustin and his family will host and lead. It’ll be in the evening on 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month beginning September 6th.

Here are a few reasons you may consider joining:

  1. You’ve been wanting to join a group but have not yet jumped in. (Regular attenders and those getting to know the church are welcome to join.)

  2. You weren’t aware that we had small groups and would like to know more about how and why we do them.

  3. You’ve been inconsistent in your current group and need a group that meets on Friday evenings. (Please touch base with your current small group leader first.)

If you’re interested, contact Pastor Dustin for more info.

Enjoy Life Together In A New Small Group

“…that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.” -1 John 1:3

Your Ministry Keeps Growing

Small Groups are the backbone of our community life. They’re where we live out all the “one anothers” of the New Testament. They’re the place where we know others and are known by others. They’re discipleship hubs.

We’re pleased to announce that we’re beginning another small group in Old Towne Orange! Pastor Dustin and his family will host and lead. It’ll be in the evening on 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month beginning September 6th.

Here are a few reasons you may consider joining:

  1. You’ve been wanting to join a group but have not yet jumped in. (Regular attenders and those getting to know the church are welcome to join.)

  2. You weren’t aware that we had small groups and would like to know more about how and why we do them.

  3. You’ve been inconsistent in your current group and need a group that meets on Friday evenings. (Please touch base with your current small group leader first.)

If you’re interested, contact Pastor Dustin for more info.

A New Small Group

“…that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.” -1 John 1:3

Your Ministry Keeps Growing

Small Groups are the backbone of our community life. They’re where we live out all the “one anothers” of the New Testament. They’re the place where we know others and are known by others. They’re discipleship hubs.

We’re pleased to announce that we’re beginning another small group in Old Towne Orange! Pastor Dustin and his family will host and lead. It’ll be in the evening on 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month beginning September 6th.

Here are a few reasons you may consider joining:

  1. You’ve been wanting to join a group but have not yet jumped in. (Regular attenders and those getting to know the church are welcome to join.)

  2. You weren’t aware that we had small groups and would like to know more about how and why we do them.

  3. You’ve been inconsistent in your current group and need a group that meets on Friday evenings. (Please touch base with your current small group leader first.)

If you’re interested, contact Pastor Dustin for more info.

Put Our August Park Days On Your Calendar


Sadly, the summer is quickly coming to an end. We want to help you capitalize on it. Head to one, two, or all three of our park days for August. Each one is at the Hart Park playground.

Thursday 8/16 at 10:00AM
Tuesday 8/21 at 10:00AM
Tuesday 8/28at 10:00AM

Sync up with our church calendar and you'll never miss out.

Pray For Your Small Group Leaders

Our small group ministry isn't just one option among many ministries of the church, this is THE ministry.


Our life together is organized into two primary contexts. Our big meetings are Sunday services. Our small meetings are small groups. This is where we get to pursue one another and grow in our understanding of the gospel and its application in our lives.

Without small groups, we wouldn't be able to love one another because we wouldn't know one another. 


They are meeting tonight and covet your prayers for God to use them and equip them as they lead our small groups.