Amazing Grace On A Dark Day

We’ve been asking the wrong question

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 3:8-24. Adam and Eve have sinned by eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Now the Lord confronts them. Most of us wonder why God would offer such a severe penalty for what seems to be such a petty crime. But that’s the wrong question. The right question is: why wasn’t the penalty more severe? Even at the very beginning, God responds to sin with amazing grace.

Listen to the sermon.

A Last Chance To Join The Women's Retreat

Deadline to Register Extended

Ladies, you have a last chance to register for the Women’s Retreat. We’ve pushed back the deadline to give you more time, but we need you to act immediately. New registration deadline is Friday 4/5/2019.

Full Retreat and Day Passes Are Available

We encourage all ladies set aside the time and make it for the whole retreat. However, we recognize that’s not always possible. We are now offering partial and day passes. The options are all on the registration page.


Women age 16 and older from inside and outside the church are invited. Carpooling and financial assistance are available.

Don’t Miss This Opportunity to Grow With Your Friends

Register for the 2019 Women’s Retreat.

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3 Reasons To Be At The Loving Our LGBTQ+ Neighbors Event

On Thursday, 4/25/2019 from 7pm-9pm in Old Towne Orange, we are hosting the Loving Our LGBTQ+ Neighbors event. Here are three reasons to make being there a priority:

1. We need clarity.

The issues surrounding gender identity and sexuality are only becoming more contentions and more complex. We need to keep up. We need to know what our neighbors are thinking and feeling if we’re to engage them meaningfully.

2. We need courage.

An orthodox, biblical perspective on gender and sexuality is not popular. A stand for truth is going to take deep conviction about what is true, good, and beautiful.

3. We need compassion.

Real people with real struggles are in need of our gospel ministry. We need to have big hearts in order to love, pursue, and help them.

Ok, I’m ready to register.

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Can You Keep The Law Of God?

That’s the question at Sunday School this week.

Know What You Believe
Know Why You Believe It

We are working through the New City Catechism developing our understanding of core Christian beliefs.

Woman’s Club Gardens

For the new Christian, come and learn what you believe.

For the veteran Christian, clarify and sharpen your convictions.

Additional Resources

  • Use the web app or mobile app to take yourself through the catechism. There are 52 questions and answers, one for each week of the year. Memorize the question and answer for each week and engage with the material they provide. There is also a devotional to help you meditate and apply what you’re learning.

  • Make time for your family to go through it together and utilize the New City Catechism for kids.

The more we learn about God, the more we love Him.

2 Days Left To Complete March's Bible Memorization Challenge

March’s Verse: Psalm 97:1-6 (ESV)

1 The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice;
    let the many coastlands be glad!
Clouds and thick darkness are all around him;
    righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.
Fire goes before him
    and burns up his adversaries all around.
His lightnings light up the world;
    the earth sees and trembles.
The mountains melt like wax before the Lord,
    before the Lord of all the earth.
The heavens proclaim his righteousness,
    and all the peoples see his glory.

This Sunday is the last day to complete it.

This Sunday is the deadline to recite the verse and we want you to get credit. Make sure you show us you’ve memorized it by either:

  1. Recording a video and sending it to You’re on the honor system, but make sure to keep your eyes on the camera.

  2. Heading to our Welcome Desk on a Sunday morning and reciting it to one of the Connect Team members. After you do, send an email to letting us know which Connect Team member you recited it to.

Learn more about how to memorize Scripture here and here.

“I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.”
-Psalm 119:16

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Church Budget

We publish updates on our financial status throughout the year. A final annual report is published every Fall.

These figures represent the grace of God at work in the members and friends of our local church. It's unmistakable. God is being kind towards us and we want to thank Him and you.

Thank you.

Of course, numbers are only a small fraction of all the way our church is contributing to the ministry of our church. Wouldn't it be great if we could publish a monthly report on your generous affections for one another? Or all the hours you spend together? Thank you for living no longer for yourselves but for God and your neighbor!

May the accounting of His provisions encourage your faith. Please continue to pray that we would steward it all for the advance of His gospel and the good of His church.

Sept 1st 2018 - February 28th 2019

$ 138,523 Contributions

$ 153,439 Expenses

Questions? Please contact a member of our Finance Committee.

Church Staff
A Class Just For Our Guests


Our next Intro Course is happening Sunday, April 7th from 12:30pm-2:30pm.

The Intro Course is the perfect next step if you want to get to know Sovereign Grace Church better. The class is led by a pastor and hosted in their home. Lunch and childcare are provided.


The Intro Course is for any and every guest of Sovereign Grace Church. Whether you've attended for 1 Sunday or 100 Sundays. Whether you're a Christian or not. Whether you want to join as a member or have no idea what membership is.


It's a place to explore, learn, and ask questions.

Get registered right here.

Our New Women's Ministry Leader

On Sunday we announced in our service that the pastoral team has appointed our first Women’s Ministry Leader: Kirsi Turbedsky. Kirsi will lead our efforts to equip and disciple the women of our church.

Why do we need a women’s ministry leader?

Our pastoral team is exclusively male. We believe this is good. We believe this is biblical. We believe this is what God has established. However, one of the ways male pastors lead best is by improving the channels of communication between themselves and, in this case, the women of the church.

Our Women’s Ministry Leader provides an influential female voice to the pastors so that they can more effectively serve and lead the women of Sovereign Grace Church. She's not a quasi-pastor, but a servant. She’s a point of contact for the women and she takes a leadership role in our women’s ministry efforts (e.g. Women’s Study, Women’s Retreats).

Three cheers for Kirsi

Kirsi leads a full life and already serves the church in many ways. She’s making even more sacrifices taking on this role. We are grateful to God for her ministry among us. Pray for her, thank her, and encourage her.

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