Our New Women's Ministry Leader

On Sunday we announced in our service that the pastoral team has appointed our first Women’s Ministry Leader: Kirsi Turbedsky. Kirsi will lead our efforts to equip and disciple the women of our church.

Why do we need a women’s ministry leader?

Our pastoral team is exclusively male. We believe this is good. We believe this is biblical. We believe this is what God has established. However, one of the ways male pastors lead best is by improving the channels of communication between themselves and, in this case, the women of the church.

Our Women’s Ministry Leader provides an influential female voice to the pastors so that they can more effectively serve and lead the women of Sovereign Grace Church. She's not a quasi-pastor, but a servant. She’s a point of contact for the women and she takes a leadership role in our women’s ministry efforts (e.g. Women’s Study, Women’s Retreats).

Three cheers for Kirsi

Kirsi leads a full life and already serves the church in many ways. She’s making even more sacrifices taking on this role. We are grateful to God for her ministry among us. Pray for her, thank her, and encourage her.

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