Posts tagged retreat
We Are Men On A Mission

Our first ever Men's Retreat is in the books. The Sovereign Grace churches of Orange, Pasadena, and Santa Ana joined forces for 44-hours of teaching, singing, eating, and manly competitions. 

God Met Us

As we focused on our gospel mission God filled us with fresh faith, cared for men who were in need, and crystallized our role in His plan. Plus, we had a ton of fun. Our friendships grew as we ate bugs, played soccer, and threw frisbees at each other. We are freshly aware of the gift that God has given us in the men of our churches.

Thank You For Sending The Men

Some of you were generous and sponsored guys who couldn't afford to go. Wives did double duty while the men were away. Thank you for making the sacrifices necessary to send men up the hill.

See All The Photos

Last Chance To Register For Women's Retreat


All ladies are invited to our 2018 Sovereign Grace Women’s Retreat. Join us for one day to consider 'Drawing Near to God.'

Here’s what to expect:

  • A day away from your usual responsibilities
  • Delicious food and fun activities
  • Opportunities to connect with old friends and make new ones.
  • Teaching, panel discussions, and worship

You can register online or at the Welcome Table on Sunday morning. Register ASAP so we can have accurate counts for our caterer.


A Day Set Aside For Women

All ladies are invited to our 2018 Sovereign Grace Women’s Retreat. Join us for one day to consider 'Drawing Near to God.'

Here’s what to expect:

  • A day away from your usual responsibilities
  • Delicious food and fun activities
  • Opportunities to connect with old friends and make new ones.
  • Teaching, panel discussions, and worship

You can register online or at the Welcome Table on Sunday morning. Register ASAP so we can have accurate counts for caterers.

May God draw near to us as we draw near to Him

Like And Follow Our Men's Retreat Mascot

Our first ever Men's Retreat is coming up in April. The topic is "Men On A Mission: Living for Jesus in Our Global City." Three days of singing, teaching, eating, and competing. Our keynote speaker is the Executive Director of our denomination, Mark Prater.

Register Now

We have enlisted "Fake Mark Prater" on Facebook and Twitter to help us promote the retreat. He will be providing you with all of the best tips and tricks to make the most of your time on the mountain. Like him on Facebook and/or follow him on Twitter.

For the men who register in January, Fake Mark Prater will post/tweet something awesome about you.

So make sure you register right away.

A Men's Retreat For Manly Men

Men On A Mission

The Sovereign Grace churches of California are joining forces to host our first ever Men's Retreat. April 19-21, 2018 in Idyllwild, CA. We will be equipped to live for Jesus in our global city. Forty-four hours of training, fellowship, and friendly competitions between churches.

Men: this is your official save-the-date

Stick it on your calendar and start saving now. Kick your expensive coffee habit for a couple months and drink Folgers. You'll be fine. This is a small investment with a big return.

Registration is live but keep an eye out for more info in the coming weeks.