Posts tagged church planting
Santa Ana Held Their First Baptisms


The church plant in Santa Ana celebrated their first baptisms this past Sunday. Thank you for sending your friends, offering your prayers, and giving your support. God is using all of it to advance the gospel among people who we would never reach in Orange.


Free Friends And Free Tacos

Visit Santa Ana and Get Fed

On Sunday February 25th you are invited to visit our Santa Ana church plant for their 5pm service. Then stick around for tacos from a local food truck. This will be a great time to see what God is doing in downtown Santa Ana and to encourage and reunite with the friends who you've sent there.

Mark your calendars. 5pm on 2/25 at Heninger Elementary.

Fasting This Friday - February

Join us in fasting on the first Friday of every month in 2018. Church members who fast for all 12 Fridays will be invited to a year-end party to celebrate the answers to our prayers. Sign-up so that we know you'll be joining us.

If fasting is new to you, here are some instructions.


Our focus for February is Orange County and our ambition to see more gospel-proclaiming churches planted. Let's be hungry for God to do what only he can do.

  • Pray for God to lead us in finding our next church planting cities/sites.
  • Pray for our neighboring cities like Anaheim, Tustin, and Garden Grove, that God would be preparing His harvest.
  • Pray for God to raise up church planters and other leaders, both from within our church and from the outside.
  • Pray for the churches who are already faithfully making disciples throughout Orange County. Pray for their strength, unity, peace, and faithfulness to the mission.
  • Pray for government officials and other civic leaders.
Sending Our Friends To Santa Ana

Our ambition is to plant 10 churches in 10 years

We are well on our way to planting our first one. Since November, Pastoral Resident Kyle Houlton and a group of members have been holding services in downtown Santa Ana. The time has come for them to fully invest themselves in this new work.

Sunday, January 7th

During our service on 1/7/2018, the Pastoral Team will lead us in commissioning the core team to their new city for a longer-term commitment.

Making sacrifices is what we do

These brothers and sisters will be pouring themselves into Santa Ana. We will see a lot less of them. It will be a big adjustment. But these are the kinds of sacrifices that Christians make for the spread of the gospel.

Santa Ana - We're Launching Weekly Public Services
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Spreading the Joy of Jesus in the Heninger Park Neighborhood

God is building a new church in Santa Ana. And on Sunday, November 5 @5:00pm, that church will begin holding weekly public worship services. At a school in the heart of the community. We could hardly be more excited. We're on the edge of our seats waiting to watch God work through the proclamation of His Gospel. 

We'll sing. We'll fellowship. We'll build from Day 1 on the foundation of God's Word and the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Join us in prayer. Join us in person. Share the social media posts. Know anybody in Santa Ana? Invite them for our November 5 service ... and every Sunday thereafter. 

Heninger Elementary

417 W Walnut St.

Santa Ana, CA 92701