Posts tagged men's retreat
Paul's Testimony From The Men's Retreat

On Sunday Paul shared how the Lord met him at our Men's Retreat:

Let me begin by mentioning that I attended the retreat because my wife encouraged me to go and assured me that she and our 5-month old daughter would be just fine. So a big thank you to her.

At the Men's Retreat I experienced the oneness of the body, seeing all the men from different churches dwelling with each other in unity. It reminded me of Psalm 133:1: "How good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell in unity." We sang with passion. We prayed. We listened and learned. We competed against each other (with humility). We had fun.

 Near the end of the retreat we were given the opportunity to speak about what God was laying on our hearts. Our fellow church member Miguel spoke about several things, but one thing he did say was "There is much hope in the Christian life!"

It filled me with joy being reminded that the Father sent His beloved Son to die and to redeem us from our sins so we will live at peace with Him forever, all because He loved us. Like we studied in Romans 8:32 "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" God is going to care for us all the way to the end.

I love being a part of a church with men who love God and are committed to their families and their church. Thank you to the men who I count as dear friends. Thank you to the rest of the church who sent us.

We Are Men On A Mission

Our first ever Men's Retreat is in the books. The Sovereign Grace churches of Orange, Pasadena, and Santa Ana joined forces for 44-hours of teaching, singing, eating, and manly competitions. 

God Met Us

As we focused on our gospel mission God filled us with fresh faith, cared for men who were in need, and crystallized our role in His plan. Plus, we had a ton of fun. Our friendships grew as we ate bugs, played soccer, and threw frisbees at each other. We are freshly aware of the gift that God has given us in the men of our churches.

Thank You For Sending The Men

Some of you were generous and sponsored guys who couldn't afford to go. Wives did double duty while the men were away. Thank you for making the sacrifices necessary to send men up the hill.

See All The Photos

Four Things To Pray For The Men's Retreat

The men are heading away this weekend for our first ever Men's Retreat. Ladies thank you for sending them. 

While they're away here are 4 things you can be praying:

  1. That God would deepen the relationships between the men in these three California churches.

  2. That the men of our churches would experience a growing sense of our shared mission and an ambition to see more people discipled and churches planted.

  3. That God would use Mark Prater, the keynote speaker, to apply Biblical truth to the men in a powerful and pointed way.

  4. That God would strengthen men who are struggling and in need of care.

Men's Retreat FAQs

Our Men's Retreat is next week from late Thursday evening to Saturday afternoon. There are a few spots left and the deadline to register is this Sunday. 

Below are a number of answers to frequently asked questions.

  1. Where is the retreat?
    Camp Marantha Retreat Center in Idyllwild, CA. 
  2. What is the schedule?
    Our first session is on Thursday at 8pm. Plenty of time to drive up after work. We wrap up at 3pm on Saturday. 
  3. What are the accommodations like?
    We have two bunkhouses. Bunks are first come, first serve. You need to bring with you a pillow, sleeping bag, and sheets.
  4. Can I attend for part of the retreat?
    You are welcome to. However, we still have to charge you the full registration rate.
  5. I can't afford to go. Are scholarships available?
    We do have scholarships available. Please don't let money be the thing that stops you from being there. Contact Pastor Dustin if you need financial assistance.
  6. I'm attending and would like to carpool. Can I get a ride with someone?
    Definitely. Contact Pastor Dustin and he will get you connected with a ride.
Men's Retreat Registration Deadline

Must Register By Sunday April 15, 2018

Our Men's Retreat is less than two weeks away but the registration deadline is next Sunday. If you're planning on being there, then get yourself registered. This is going to be a wonderful time of fellowship and growth. We want you to experience it.

I want to register before it's too late.

Limited Spots At The Men's Retreat
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Three churches.
44 hours of teaching, training, and fellowship.

Our Sovereign Grace CA Men's Retreat is only 1 month away. It's happening in Idyllwild, CA from April 19-21. The fun begins at 8pm on Thursday night and goes through Saturday afternoon.

This is a unique opportunity for us to grow together as men.
We want you to experience it.

Our limited number of spots are filling up. Those of you planning on going should secure yours right away. If you're still on the fence, register anyway. You'll be glad you did.

Register for the Men's Retreat

Five Reasons To Register For Our Men's Retreat

Our first ever Men's Retreat is happening in Idyllwild, CA from April 19-21, 2018. Three California churches joining together to grow as 'Men On A Mission.' 

Listed below are five compelling reasons why you should register right now:

Brothers. The Christian life is a team sport. God has welcomed us into a family and intends for us to depend on one another. As we think, pray, and share our lives together, God will work in us. Our concentrated time together will strengthen our bonds of friendship.

Athletics. For those of us cooped up in an office 40+ hours a week, nothing feels better than huffing and puffing on cool, mountain air. We have some friendly church vs church competitions planned to get your heart rate up and remind you how lucky you are to live at sea level.

Chow. And by chow we mean meat. Steak. Sausage. Bacon. The key ingredient to a successful men's retreat is a large amount of animal protein.

Orations. We will be well taught. Mark Prater, Sovereign Grace's Executive Director, is our keynote speaker. If you've never heard Mark speak, you're in for a treat. He is godly, wise, and humble and will tether everything to the gospel.

Nature. Few things help us reset and focus like taking a break from our hectic lives in the concrete jungle and spending some concentrated time in nature.