Posts tagged corporate prayer
First Friday Fast - May

Join us in fasting on the first Friday of every month in 2018. Church members who fast for all 12 Fridays will be invited to a year-end party to celebrate the answers to our prayers.

If fasting is new to you, here are some instructions.


Our prayer focus for May are the churches in the Western region of our denomination. These are the churches we partner with most closely to ordain pastors and plant churches.

  • Pray that God would bless the 7 other churches in our region: Pasadena, Yuma, Peoria, Gilbert, Tucson, Westminster, and Aurora.
  • Pray for a productive time together this week as the pastors from the region gather for their annual meeting.
  • Pray that God would empower and sustain the pastors of each church as they labor to serve their congregations and cities.
  • Pray for the gospel witness of each church as they faithfully preach the gospel and apply it to their lives.
  • Pray that God would add more believers to each of the churches.
  • Pray that God would raise up more men as pastors in the Western US.
  • Pray that God would provide church planters and help our region identify the next church planting sites.
  • Pray that God would give wisdom to the pastors as they make decisions and work together to press our mission forward.
Fasting This Friday - February

Join us in fasting on the first Friday of every month in 2018. Church members who fast for all 12 Fridays will be invited to a year-end party to celebrate the answers to our prayers. Sign-up so that we know you'll be joining us.

If fasting is new to you, here are some instructions.


Our focus for February is Orange County and our ambition to see more gospel-proclaiming churches planted. Let's be hungry for God to do what only he can do.

  • Pray for God to lead us in finding our next church planting cities/sites.
  • Pray for our neighboring cities like Anaheim, Tustin, and Garden Grove, that God would be preparing His harvest.
  • Pray for God to raise up church planters and other leaders, both from within our church and from the outside.
  • Pray for the churches who are already faithfully making disciples throughout Orange County. Pray for their strength, unity, peace, and faithfulness to the mission.
  • Pray for government officials and other civic leaders.