All Church Prayer Meeting

Kicking Off 2019 The Right Way

In order for us to do the very things God has called us to do, we need His presence and His power. When we ask, He gives.

Join Us For An All Church Prayer Meeting

Our small group meetings for the first week of January are being replaced with a prayer meeting. Join your voice with ours in asking our generous Father to work in our lives and our city.

January 2nd, 2019
7:00PM - 8:00PM
Church Offices at the Royer Mansion

LatestChurch Staff
Did You Fast With Us In 2018?

Foodless Fridays Are Over

Every year we challenge you to form a new discipline or practice. In years past we read 12 books in 12 months, challenged you to attend church 52 times in one year, and to read through the entire Bible in a year. For 2018 we fasted on the first Friday of each month and prayed for God to work in specific ways.

We Want To Celebrate

For those of you who participated we want to say, “good work!” We also want to celebrate the ways God answered your prayers.

Fill Out the Form If You Completed 9 out of the 12 First Friday Fasts

You’re on the honor system. Fear God more than man and complete the form below if you fasted 9 of the Fridays in 2018. We will be in touch about the celebration.

LatestChurch Staff
Is Your Life Worth Living?


On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Job 42:7-9 reminding us that every one of our experiences is working for our good, revealing the gospel, and proving God’s glory. Your life is worth living.

Listen to the sermon.

What Is God?

If you’re having trouble answering that question, we’ve got the class for you.

Sunday School starts back up on January 6, 2019 at 9:30am in the Woman’s Club garden. We are spending a year in the New City Catechism strengthening our understanding of the core doctrines of Christianity.

For the new Christian, come and learn what you believe. For the veteran Christian, clarify and sharpen your convictions.

Attending Sunday School is our #1 recommendation for each of you. We grow more when we learn together.

But if you can’t, there are a couple of other ways to engage with this material:

  • Use the web app or mobile app to take yourself through the catechism. There are 52 questions and answers, one for each week of the year. Memorize the question and answer for each week and engage with the material they provide. There is also a devotional to help you meditate and apply what you’re learning.

  • Make time for your family to go through it together and utilize the New City Catechism for kids.

The more we learn about God, the more we love Him.

Let Our Neighbors Know About Christmas Eve

An Easy Way To Spread The Word

Help us distribute invitations to our Christmas Eve service. You can always do it the old-fashioned way by telling them in-person. But those of you Facebook users can head to the event page, hover over the “Share” button, then click “Share as Post.” You know the rest.

As you invite, pray that God would draw precious souls who need the hope of the gospel.

May Our City Meet Our Savior

Register For The Money Management Class

Manage your money or it will manage you.

Once a year we offer a course on the biblical principles of financial stewardship. The classes are conducted in a small group setting, using a discussion format and curriculum adapted from Crown Ministries and Money and the Gospel.

8 classes, every other Tuesday, beginning February 5th.

Les and Sue lead the class. Check out testimonies of members who’ve been impacted by it here and here.

Materials cost $30 per person or $55 per couple. Scholarships are available. The registration deadline is January 15th.

Sign me up.

Did You Fast With Us In 2018?

Foodless Fridays Are Over

Every year we challenge you to form a new discipline or practice. In years past we read 12 books in 12 months, challenged you to attend church 52 times in one year, and to read through the entire Bible in a year. For 2018 we fasted on the first Friday of each month and prayed for God to work in specific ways.

We Want To Celebrate

For those of you who participated we want to say, “good work!” We also want to celebrate the ways God answered your prayers.

Fill Out the Form If You Completed 9 out of the 12 First Friday Fasts

You’re on the honor system. Fear God more than man and complete the form below if you fasted 9 of the Fridays in 2018. We will be in touch about the celebration.

LatestChurch Staff