Did You Fast With Us In 2018?

Foodless Fridays Are Over

Every year we challenge you to form a new discipline or practice. In years past we read 12 books in 12 months, challenged you to attend church 52 times in one year, and to read through the entire Bible in a year. For 2018 we fasted on the first Friday of each month and prayed for God to work in specific ways.

We Want To Celebrate

For those of you who participated we want to say, “good work!” We also want to celebrate the ways God answered your prayers.

Fill Out the Form If You Completed 9 out of the 12 First Friday Fasts

You’re on the honor system. Fear God more than man and complete the form below if you fasted 9 of the Fridays in 2018. We will be in touch about the celebration.

LatestChurch Staff