Jump In To Sunday School

Know What You Believe
Know Why You Believe It

Sunday School is in session and there’s no better time to jump in than now. We are working through the New City Catechism developing our understanding of core Christian beliefs.

Woman’s Club Gardens

For the new Christian, come and learn what you believe.

For the veteran Christian, clarify and sharpen your convictions.

Additional Resources

  • Use the web app or mobile app to take yourself through the catechism. There are 52 questions and answers, one for each week of the year. Memorize the question and answer for each week and engage with the material they provide. There is also a devotional to help you meditate and apply what you’re learning.

  • Make time for your family to go through it together and utilize the New City Catechism for kids.

The more we learn about God, the more we love Him.