Picnic In The Plaza This Sunday

Living the Christian Life in Plain Sight

Immediately following our Sunday service, we will spill out into the Plaza for lunch together. We live our lives for Jesus and for our neighbors. Having lunch in plain sight is one way we make ourselves available to the city God has called us to.

Bring a chair or blanket. Bring your lunch, grab lunch from one of the fabulous eateries around town, or take advantage of our Buck-O-Slice Pizza.

LatestChurch Staff
Men Save The Date For 'MAN Talks'

June 15th
More details forthcoming

You’ve heard of TED Talks. This June, we’re bringing you MAN Talks. A half-day with the men of Sovereign Grace Church talking about masculinity.

We’ll learn, we’ll have some fun, and we’ll eat a big lunch together.

It’s the Saturday before Father’s Day. Put it on your calendar now so you aren’t double booked.

Church Staff
Loving Our LGBTQ Neighbors Recap

A big thank you to everyone who came out last night to learn how to better understand and engage our LGBTQ+ neighbors. The two sessions taught by Josh Blount were rich with biblical insight and practical suggestions. This is going to mark our church.

If you missed the event, there’s a recording online of Josh delivering a similar talk at our denomination’s pastor’s conference. Below are a few quotes to highlight.

“Transgender theory is an alternative theology, a competing, comprehensive vision of the world, of who we are, and of what will bring us ultimate fulfillment and meaning.”

“The central conflict is this: do we know ourselves best, and do we know who or what will truly bring us wholeness and freedom?”

“Are we prepared to suffer loss for what we believe? This might be loss of social standing, loss of friends, challenges or hostility at work, loss of academic opportunities. We cannot assume an offensive, chip-on-our-shoulder mentality, eager to pick fights and seek dissension; but we must not assume that we can follow Christ in a gender-confused age and still be warmly embraced by the world.

“Gender identity struggles are about searching for redemption (even though the language is different). Seeking wholeness, authenticity, completion – all these are, biblically speaking, emotional and spiritual synonyms for the basic longing for a Redeemer.”

“How do we bear the burdens of those who struggle with same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria? By listening well. By refusing to allow their sin to define them. By equally sharing our own struggles.”

“A realistic, wise view of sin, suffering, and sanctification requires compassion that says: ‘I’m not leaving or giving up on you.’ By doing so, we reflect the love of our Savior, who will never leave us nor forsake us.”

LatestChurch Staff
Final Details For The "Loving Our LGBTQ+ Neighbors" Event

This Thursday night at 7pm we’re flying in a guest speaker from the other side of the country for the Loving Our LGBTQ+ Neighbors event. We want to equip you to be a gracious part of a community embroiled in controversy.

If you haven’t already, head here to get all the details and to register.

Parking Recommendations

The event will be held at the Chapel of Orange, an historic church in Old Towne Orange. Parking can be tight in the area and much of the street parking is permitted.

Click the link above for a map with two recommendations that are safe bets for parking. Plan to arrive 15 minutes early so that you have time to park and walk. Or make an evening of it and come even earlier for dinner at one of the fabulous eateries in Old Towne Orange.

What about the children?

We aren’t offering childcare at the event, but don’t let that be the reason you miss out. Hire a babysitter. Go in on a babysitter with your friends. Ask the grandparents to cover. This is will be well worth the investment of an evening.

Thanks for loving your neighbors with Christ’s love.

LatestChurch Staff
Miranda's Women's Retreat Testimony

We’re so grateful that Miranda overcame her fear of public speaking and shared with us about the ways the Lord met her at our 2019 Women’s Retreat. Here’s what she shared:

The women of this church recently went to a retreat up in the mountains on “Faith, Hope, and Love.” On Friday, Kirsi Turbedsky said that she was going to speak about suffering. A lifetime of suffering in various ways has deeply imprinted me with one thing: God is faithful, and that He is the only lasting faithfulness I would know.

Kirsi went on to teach about how we tend to be disappointed when we hope in the wrong things. She spoke on Romans 5 and how we are to only hope in the glory of God, and when our expectations fail, it has nothing to do with His glory. We were reminded to rejoice in our suffering because it brings endurance, character, and hope.

Kirsi then stated something that hugely impacted me: the Lord was kind to give you just the suffering you need to build your character, and that every bit of our suffering is designed to give us hope. I briefly thought about the darkest memories of unexplained suffering of my past, and I was reminded that these were the moments I live for: the hope of the glory and faithfulness of God. These were the moments when He was the lasting faithfulness I knew.

This message on suffering and hope changed my perspective with one word: kind. How could I not see God as kind in those moments? My eyes had been opened to His glory, and I couldn’t help but thank Him.

If I can encourage you in any way, it would be to always thank God that in the midst of the greatest suffering you could imagine, God is faithful to finish the work He started in you and will be glorified in your suffering. Thank Him for His kindness of reminding you that He is our only hope.

And that being said, for the short time I was up at the retreat, there was one thing that was truly evident in those women: kindness. So thank you for reflecting our Lord, and thank you Kirsi for bearing your soul and being real with us.

LatestChurch Staff
What Is Idolatry?

If you can’t answer that question, join us at 9:30am this Sunday to get the answer.

Learn Important Stuff With Others

Our Sunday School class is adult theological training for everyday life. We’re working through the New City Catechism to build a strong, biblical foundation for our thinking and living. You can jump right in and learn with us.

LatestChurch Staff
The First Recorded Murder

But it isn’t about the murder.

On Easter Sunday, Pastor Eric preached the familiar story of Cain and Abel from Genesis 4:1-16. This story is not about not being like Cain. It’s not about being like Abel. It’s about trusting in the true and better Abel, who’s blood speaks a better word — a word of justice, of pardon, and of grace. Abel was martyred, but he will rise again. And if we trust in Jesus, so will we.

Listen to the sermon.