Loving Our LGBTQ Neighbors Recap

A big thank you to everyone who came out last night to learn how to better understand and engage our LGBTQ+ neighbors. The two sessions taught by Josh Blount were rich with biblical insight and practical suggestions. This is going to mark our church.

If you missed the event, there’s a recording online of Josh delivering a similar talk at our denomination’s pastor’s conference. Below are a few quotes to highlight.

“Transgender theory is an alternative theology, a competing, comprehensive vision of the world, of who we are, and of what will bring us ultimate fulfillment and meaning.”

“The central conflict is this: do we know ourselves best, and do we know who or what will truly bring us wholeness and freedom?”

“Are we prepared to suffer loss for what we believe? This might be loss of social standing, loss of friends, challenges or hostility at work, loss of academic opportunities. We cannot assume an offensive, chip-on-our-shoulder mentality, eager to pick fights and seek dissension; but we must not assume that we can follow Christ in a gender-confused age and still be warmly embraced by the world.

“Gender identity struggles are about searching for redemption (even though the language is different). Seeking wholeness, authenticity, completion – all these are, biblically speaking, emotional and spiritual synonyms for the basic longing for a Redeemer.”

“How do we bear the burdens of those who struggle with same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria? By listening well. By refusing to allow their sin to define them. By equally sharing our own struggles.”

“A realistic, wise view of sin, suffering, and sanctification requires compassion that says: ‘I’m not leaving or giving up on you.’ By doing so, we reflect the love of our Savior, who will never leave us nor forsake us.”

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