Posts tagged ladies
Ladies Who Lead

Alice, Angie, Rebecca, Sue, Kirsi, Lisa, and Lois

These women have taken it upon themselves to be the visionaries and planners of our women's events (check out previous events here, here, and here). They've gone above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that the women of Sovereign Grace have meaningful opportunities to connect and grow. They make sacrifices because they love the One who made the ultimate sacrifice for them and for us.

God Has Blessed Us With Ladies Who Lead


Ladies Who Love Theology

Women talking like women about God.

Tonight the ladies of Sovereign Grace meet for Tea.ology, their monthly theological discussion. Their topic this evening is the Biblical practice of hospitality.

Pray that they would experience a growing delight in the God as they discuss.

The class is offered on a semester basis. Women interested in joining a future class can email the church office for more details.

A Day Set Aside For Women

All ladies are invited to our 2018 Sovereign Grace Women’s Retreat. Join us for one day to consider 'Drawing Near to God.'

Here’s what to expect:

  • A day away from your usual responsibilities
  • Delicious food and fun activities
  • Opportunities to connect with old friends and make new ones.
  • Teaching, panel discussions, and worship

You can register online or at the Welcome Table on Sunday morning. Register ASAP so we can have accurate counts for caterers.

May God draw near to us as we draw near to Him