Posts tagged southern california men's retreat
Men's Retreat Registration Deadline

Must Register By Sunday April 15, 2018

Our Men's Retreat is less than two weeks away but the registration deadline is next Sunday. If you're planning on being there, then get yourself registered. This is going to be a wonderful time of fellowship and growth. We want you to experience it.

I want to register before it's too late.

Limited Spots At The Men's Retreat
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Three churches.
44 hours of teaching, training, and fellowship.

Our Sovereign Grace CA Men's Retreat is only 1 month away. It's happening in Idyllwild, CA from April 19-21. The fun begins at 8pm on Thursday night and goes through Saturday afternoon.

This is a unique opportunity for us to grow together as men.
We want you to experience it.

Our limited number of spots are filling up. Those of you planning on going should secure yours right away. If you're still on the fence, register anyway. You'll be glad you did.

Register for the Men's Retreat